1. 我们准备好上路了。
We are ready to hit the road.
2. 他们每天早上都会上路去上班。
They hit the road to work every morning.
3. 我们应该尽快上路,以免错过飞机。
We should hit the road soon so we don't miss the plane.
4. 我们需要在天黑之前上路。
We need to hit the road before it gets dark.
5. 他们上路去参加了一场盛大的婚礼。
They hit the road to attend a grand wedding.
6. 我们计划明天一早上路。
We plan to hit the road early tomorrow.
7. 他们在日落时分上路去露营。
They hit the road to go camping at sunset.
8. 上路前请确保车辆处于良好状态。
Make sure the vehicle is in good condition before hitting the road.
9. 我们上路前需要加满油箱。
We need to fill up the gas tank before hitting the road.
10. 上路时请注意交通安全。
Be mindful of traffic safety when hitting the road.
11. 他们上路去探险了。
They hit the road for an adventure.
12. 我们已经准备好上路了。
We are ready to hit the road.
13. 他们上路去参加了一场音乐节。
They hit the road to attend a music festival.
14. 上路前请检查车辆轮胎。
Check the vehicle's tires before hitting the road.
15. 我们需要在清晨上路以避开交通拥堵。
We need to hit the road early in the morning to avoid traffic congestion.
16. 他们上路去度假了。
They hit the road for a vacation.
17. 上路前请确保携带所有必要的物品。
Make sure to bring all necessary items before hitting the road.
18. 我们上路前需要做最后一次检查。
We need to do a final check before hitting the road.
19. 他们上路去参加了一场家庭聚会。
They hit the road to attend a family gathering.
20. 我们已经做好准备,随时可以上路。
We are prepared and ready to hit the road at any time.
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