1. 她的品德高尚,受到了许多人的尊敬。
Her moral character is noble and respected by many.
2. 这个人品德不好,经常说谎。
This person has a bad moral character and lies often.
3. 品德是一个人最重要的财富之一。
Moral character is one of the most important assets of a person.
4. 他的品德决定了他的命运。
His moral character determines his destiny.
5. 在这个道德混乱的社会中,保持良好的品德非常重要。
In this morally chaotic society, maintaining good moral character is very important.
6. 他的品德受到了家人和朋友们的称赞。
His moral character has been praised by family and friends.
7. 这部电影强调了品德的重要性。
This movie emphasizes the importance of moral character.
8. 她的品德如此高尚,让人感到敬佩。
Her moral character is so noble that it is admirable.
9. 在这个世界上,品德比金钱更重要。
In this world, moral character is more important than money.
10. 他的品德问题使他失去了许多朋友。
His moral character issues have caused him to lose many friends.
11. 一个人应该努力培养自己的品德。
A person should strive to cultivate their moral character.
12. 品德高尚的人会受到更多的尊重和信任。
People with noble moral character will receive more respect and trust.
13. 这个社会需要更多品德高尚的领导者。
This society needs more leaders with noble moral character.
14. 他的品德在困难时期得到了充分的展现。
His moral character was fully displayed during difficult times.
15. 她的品德问题让她失去了工作机会。
Her moral character issues caused her to lose job opportunities.
16. 学校教育不仅应该注重学术成绩,还应该注重学生的品德培养。
School education should not only focus on academic achievements, but also on the cultivation of students' moral character.
17. 品德高尚的人会影响周围的人。
People with noble moral character will influence those around them.
18. 这个组织看重员工的品德和道德行为。
This organization values the moral character and ethical behavior of its employees.
19. 她的品德使她成为了一个好榜样。
Her moral character makes her a good role model.
20. 品德的重要性不容忽视。
The importance of moral character cannot be overlooked.
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