1. 沙漠中的骆驼可以长时间不喝水。
The camels in the desert can go a long time without drinking water.
2. 骆驼是沙漠中的重要交通工具。
Camels are an important mode of transportation in the desert.
3. 骆驼的储水能力使它们能够在干旱的环境中生存。
The camels' ability to store water allows them to survive in arid environments.
4. 我们在撒哈拉沙漠骑骆驼去探险。
We went on a camel ride to explore the Sahara Desert.
5. 骆驼的长睫毛可以防止沙子进入它们的眼睛。
The camels' long eyelashes help prevent sand from getting into their eyes.
6. 骆驼的驼峰是储存脂肪的地方,使它们能够在没有食物的情况下生存。
The camels' humps are where they store fat, allowing them to survive without food.
7. 骆驼的蹄子有助于它们在沙漠中行走。
The camels' hooves help them walk in the desert.
8. 他们骑着骆驼穿越了沙漠。
They crossed the desert on camelback.
9. 骆驼是沙漠中的“船”
Camels are the "ships of the desert."
10. 骆驼是沙漠中不可或缺的伙伴。
Camels are indispensable companions in the desert.
11. 骆驼的毛皮可以用来制作衣物和帐篷。
Camel hair can be used to make clothing and tents.
12. 骆驼的耐力使它们成为长途旅行的理想选择。
The camels' endurance makes them an ideal choice for long journeys.
13. 这些骆驼被用来运送货物穿越沙漠。
The camels were used to transport goods across the desert.
14. 骆驼可以承受高温和干燥的气候。
Camels can withstand high temperatures and dry climates.
15. 骆驼的奶是一种重要的食品资源。
Camel milk is an important food resource.
16. 骆驼可以忍受饥渴和疲劳,而不受影响。
Camels can endure hunger and fatigue without being affected.
17. 骆驼是沙漠中的生命之源。
Camels are the lifeline of the desert.
18. 他们骑着骆驼穿越了沙漠。
They crossed the desert on camelback.
19. 骆驼是沙漠中的唯一交通工具。
Camels are the only mode of transportation in the desert.
20. 骆驼是沙漠中不可或缺的伙伴。
Camels are indispensable companions in the desert.
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