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1. zhèduàngǎnqíngjīngchéngwéimenzhījiāndebàn

This relationship has become a bond between us.

2. menzhījiāndeyǒushìzhǒngxíngdebàn

The friendship between us is an invisible bond.

3. zhèxiēgòngtóngdejīngchéngwéilemenzhījiāndebàn

These shared experiences have become a bond between us.

4. menzhījiāndebànshìshěde

The bond between them is unbreakable.

5. jiātíngshìzuìláodebàn

Family is the strongest bond.

6. menzhījiāndebànshìcóngxiǎojiùjiànláide

The bond between them was formed from a young age.

7. àiqíngshìzhǒngqiángdebàn

Love is a powerful bond.

8. zhèxiàngràngmenzhījiāndebàngèngjiājǐn

This project has strengthened the bond between us.

9. mendeyǒuqíngshìzhǒngyǒnghéngdebàn

Their friendship is an eternal bond.

10. menzhījiāndebànshìyòngyánmiáoshùde

The bond between them is indescribable.

11. zhèduànjīngchéngwéilemenzhījiāndebàn

This experience has become a bond between us.

12. menzhījiāndebànshìjiànzàixìnrènzūnzhòngzhīshàngde

The bond between them is built on trust and respect.

13. yīnyuèchéngwéilemenzhījiāndebàn

Music has become a bond between us.

14. menzhījiāndebànshìzhǒngjiěmèiqíng

The bond between them is a sisterly friendship.

15. menzhījiāndebànshìzhǒnggòngtóngdexiǎngbiāo

The bond between them is a shared ideal and goal.

16. menzhījiāndebànshìzhǒngshēnhòudeqínggǎn

The bond between them is a deep emotion.

17. zhètuánduìdebànshìmenchénggōngdeguānjiàn

The bond of this team is the key to their success.

18. zhèxíngchéngwéilemenzhījiāndebàn

This trip has become a bond between us.

19. menzhījiāndebànshìzhǒngxiānglàideguān

The bond between them is a relationship of mutual dependence.

20. menzhījiāndebànshìzhǒngzhēnguìdeqíng

The bond between them is a precious friendship.


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