1. 桐花飘落满地,如同银白色的雪花。
The tung blossoms fall to the ground, like silver-white snowflakes.
2. 春风吹拂,桐花飘飘。
With the spring breeze blowing, the tung blossoms flutter in the air.
3. 桐花开得正盛,正是赏花的好时节。
The tung blossoms are in full bloom, it's the perfect time to appreciate the flowers.
4. 桐花绽放的季节,整个小镇都变得如诗如画。
During the season when the tung blossoms bloom, the whole town becomes like a painting.
5. 桐花的花香扑鼻而来,让人心情愉悦。
The fragrance of the tung blossoms wafts over, making people feel happy.
6. 在桐花盛开的季节里,游人如织,香火鼎盛。
During the season when the tung blossoms are in full bloom, tourists come and go, and the atmosphere is lively.
7. 桐花雨中,两人相约在花海中漫步。
In the tung blossom rain, the two people agreed to stroll in the sea of flowers.
8. 桐花飘落在湖面上,映衬出一幅美丽的画面。
The tung blossoms fall on the surface of the lake, creating a beautiful picture.
9. 桐花飘零,寂静的山林里只剩下微风的低吟。
With the tung blossoms falling, the quiet mountain forest is only left with the faint murmur of the breeze.
10. 桐花如云,漫天飞舞,犹如仙境一般。
The tung blossoms are like clouds, dancing in the sky, like a fairyland.
11. 桐花簌簌飘落,如同一场轻柔的雨。
The tung blossoms fall gently, like a soft rain.
12. 春日里,桐花盛开,花海如梦如幻。
In spring, the tung blossoms bloom, and the sea of flowers is dreamlike.
13. 桐花如雪,洁白无瑕,美丽动人。
The tung blossoms are like snow, pure white and flawless, beautiful and charming.
14. 桐花飘落,落英缤纷,美不胜收。
The tung blossoms fall, the petals are colorful, and the beauty is overwhelming.
15. 桐花开得正艳,花香扑鼻,令人陶醉。
The tung blossoms are in full bloom, the fragrance is intoxicating, and people are intoxicated.
16. 桐花满树,如同白色的云彩,美丽动人。
The tung blossoms are all over the trees, like white clouds, beautiful and charming.
17. 桐花飘零,春风吹拂,带来一片花香。
The tung blossoms fall, the spring breeze blows, bringing a fragrance of flowers.
18. 桐花雨中,两情相悦,幸福如画。
In the tung blossom rain, the two hearts are in agreement, and happiness is like a painting.
19. 桐花飘落,落在湖面上,泛起涟漪。
The tung blossoms fall on the lake surface, causing ripples.
20. 桐花飞舞,如同精灵在空中翩翩起舞。
The tung blossoms dance, like elves dancing in the air.
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