1. 阴雨绵绵,而降的雨水让人感到压抑。
The continuous rain and the falling rain made people feel depressed.
2. 夜幕降临,而降的寂静笼罩着整个城市。
As night fell, the falling silence enveloped the entire city.
3. 突然而降的暴风雨让人措手不及。
The sudden and falling storm caught people off guard.
4. 秋风而降的温度让人感到凉意袭人。
The falling temperature of the autumn wind makes people feel a chill.
5. 大雪纷纷而降,铺满了整个城市。
The falling heavy snow covered the entire city.
6. 暴雨而降,导致了城市的洪水灾害。
The falling torrential rain led to flooding in the city.
7. 希望如雨水般而降,滋润着干涸的心田。
Hope falls like rain and moistens the dry heart.
8. 晨露而降,洗涤了大地的尘埃。
The morning dew fell and washed away the dust of the earth.
9. 鸽子突然而降,惊起了树上的鸟儿。
The pigeons suddenly descended, startling the birds in the trees.
10. 雪花纷飞,而降的白雪覆盖了整个山野。
Snowflakes were falling, and the falling snow covered the entire mountains and fields.
11. 他的声望突然而降,失去了许多支持者。
His reputation suddenly plummeted, losing many supporters.
12. 落叶而降,给大地披上了一层金黄的铠甲。
The falling leaves covered the earth with a layer of golden armor.
13. 热情渐渐而降,让我们的关系变得疏远。
The enthusiasm gradually waned, making our relationship distant.
14. 雷雨突然而降,打破了原本的宁静。
The thunderstorm suddenly descended, shattering the original tranquility.
15. 夜幕渐渐而降,星星点点地挂在天空。
As night fell, the stars twinkled in the sky.
16. 希望渐渐而降,让我们看到了未来的曙光。
Hope gradually descended, allowing us to see the dawn of the future.
17. 阵雨突然而降,打乱了我们的出行计划。
The sudden shower disrupted our travel plans.
18. 经济形势突然而降,让企业陷入了困境。
The sudden economic downturn has put companies in a difficult situation.
19. 信心渐渐而降,让他们感到困惑和无助。
Confidence gradually waned, leaving them feeling confused and helpless.
20. 雨点渐渐而降,敲击着玻璃窗,发出清脆的声音。
Raindrops gradually fell, tapping on the glass window, making a crisp sound.
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