首页 汉字



1. menháidōuzàiděngne

We are all still waiting for you.

2. menháidōuzàishuìjiào

They are all still sleeping.

3. menháidōuhuānzhèxiǎng

We all still like this idea.

4. menháidōuzàigōngzuò

They are all still working hard.

5. menháidōuxiāngxìn

We all still believe in you.

6. menháidōuzàitǎolùnzhèwèn

They are all still discussing this issue.

7. menháidōuzàixiǎngniànjiāxiāng

We all still miss our hometown.

8. menháidōuzàiděngdàijiéguǒ

They are all still waiting for the results.

9. menháidōuzàixué

We are all still studying hard.

10. menháidōuzàiwèizhèxiàng

They are all still working hard for this project.

11. menháidōuzàiwèiwèiláisuàn

We are all still planning for the future.

12. menháidōuzàikǎozhèwèn

They are all still thinking about this issue.

13. menháidōuzàixiǎngshòushēnghuó

We are all still enjoying life.

14. menháidōuzàixúnzhǎoàn

They are all still searching for answers.

15. menháidōuzàiděngdàihuì

We are all still waiting for opportunities.

16. menháidōuzàigǎibiànxiànzhuàng

They are all still working hard to change the situation.

17. menháidōuzàiguānxīn

We all still care about each other.

18. menháidōuzàiwèibiāo

They are all still striving for their goals.

19. menháidōuzàiwèimèngxiǎngfèndòu

We are all still fighting for our dreams.

20. menháidōuzàiwèiwèiláisuàn

They are all still planning for the future.


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