1. 她的颈部显得修长而优雅。
Her neck looked slender and elegant.
2. 他感觉颈部僵硬,需要按摩一下。
He feels stiff in the neck and needs a massage.
3. 她佩戴了一条华丽的项链,点缀着她的颈部。
She wore a gorgeous necklace, adorning her neck.
4. 这种颈部枕头可以帮助缓解颈部疼痛。
This neck pillow can help alleviate neck pain.
5. 她的颈部因为长时间使用电脑而感到酸痛。
Her neck feels sore from prolonged computer use.
6. 他在车祸中受伤,颈部受了严重的伤害。
He was injured in a car accident, suffering severe neck injury.
7. 这种护颈枕可以提供额外的支撑,保护颈部免受伤害。
This neck support pillow can provide extra support to protect the neck from injury.
8. 她戴着一条红色的围巾,围绕着她的颈部。
She wore a red scarf around her neck.
9. 他在颈部扭伤了一根筋,需要静养一段时间。
He strained a muscle in his neck and needs to rest for a while.
10. 她的颈部线条非常优美,让人羡慕。
Her neck has very graceful lines, which is enviable.
11. 这种按摩器可以帮助舒缓颈部肌肉。
This massager can help relieve neck muscles.
12. 他颈部的皮肤很嫩,需要特别的护理。
The skin on his neck is very delicate and needs special care.
13. 她戴着一条珍珠项链,镶嵌在她的颈部。
She wore a pearl necklace, nestled on her neck.
14. 她因为长时间低头看手机,颈部酸痛不已。
She has a sore neck from looking down at her phone for a long time.
15. 他的颈部受了伤,需要做一些物理治疗。
His neck is injured and needs some physical therapy.
16. 她的颈部线条流畅而美丽。
Her neck has smooth and beautiful lines.
17. 他在颈部做了手术,现在需要休息和康复。
He had surgery on his neck and now needs rest and recovery.
18. 这种颈部枕头可以保持颈部的自然曲线。
This neck pillow can maintain the natural curve of the neck.
19. 她的颈部因为长时间坐姿不正确而受伤。
Her neck is injured from sitting in the wrong posture for a long time.
20. 这种颈部按摩器可以缓解颈部疼痛和紧张。
This neck massager can relieve neck pain and tension.
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