首页 汉字



1. běijīngshìzhōngguódeshǒu

Beijing is the capital of China.

2. dōngjīngshìběndeshǒu

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

3. shìguódeshǒu

Paris is the capital of France.

4. lúndūnshìyīngguódeshǒu

London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

5. huáshèngdùnshìměiguódeshǒu

Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.

6. shǒuěrshìhánguódeshǒu

Seoul is the capital of South Korea.

7. shìéluódeshǒu

Moscow is the capital of Russia.

8. shìàodeshǒu

Sydney is the capital of Australia.

9. 西chéngshì西deshǒu

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

10. àolánshìxīn西lándeshǒu

Auckland is the capital of New Zealand.

11. àoshìnuówēideshǒu

Oslo is the capital of Norway.

12. ěrshìruìdiǎndeshǒu

Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.

13. hànbǎoshìguódeèrdàichéngshìdànshìshǒu

Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany, but not the capital.

14. duōlúnduōshìjiādezuìdàichéngshìdànshìshǒu

Toronto is the largest city in Canada, but not the capital.

15. ādānshìlándeshǒu

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.

16. línshìàishādeshǒu

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia.

17. pèishìxiōngdeshǒu

Budapest is the capital of Hungary.

18. sàiěrshìshídeshǒu

Brussels is the capital of Belgium.

19. diǎnshìdeshǒu

Athens is the capital of Greece.

20. luóshìdeshǒu

Rome is the capital of Italy.


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