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1. menxiāngxìnzhèxiēshìzhànzhēngdeqiánzhào

They believed the crows were an omen of war.

2. zhèchǎngzhènnéngshìhǎixiàodeqiánzhào

The earthquake could be a precursor to a tsunami.

3. deránsòunéngshìgǎnmàodeqiánzhào

Her sudden coughing could be a sign of a cold.

4. zhèxiēguàideyúnnéngshìbàofēngdeqiánzhào

These strange clouds could be a harbinger of a storm.

5. menrènwéizhèxiēguàideshìjiànshìzāinàndeqiánzhào

They believed these strange events were omens of disaster.

6. zhèxiēqíngdòngnéngshìjīngshénbìngdeqiánzhào

These mood swings could be early signs of a mental illness.

7. zhèxiēdòngdewángnéngshìhuánjìngbēngkuìdeqiánzhào

The deaths of these animals could be a sign of environmental collapse.

8. rándetíngdiànnéngshìchǎngfēngbàodeqiánzhào

The sudden power outage could be a prelude to a major storm.

9. detóutòngnéngshìpiāntóutòngdeqiánzhào

Her headache could be a precursor to a migraine.

10. zhèxiēxúnchángdewèinéngshìhuǒzāideqiánzhào

The unusual smells could be a sign of a fire.

11. zhèxiēzhèngzhìdòngdàngnéngshìchǎngmìngdeqiánzhào

The political unrest could be a harbinger of a revolution.

12. zhèxiēzhìbiànhuànéngshìchǎngzhèndeqiánzhào

The geological changes could be a precursor to an earthquake.

13. zhèxiēguàideshēngyīnnéngshìchǎngfēngdeqiánzhào

The strange noises could be a prelude to a hurricane.

14. zhèxiējīngzhǐbiāonéngshìchǎngshuāi退tuìdeqiánzhào

The economic indicators could be signs of a recession.

15. zhèxiēxúnchángdexíngwéinéngshìchǎngèliètiāndeqiánzhào

The unusual behavior could be a sign of severe weather.

16. zhèxiēzhèngzhìchōngnéngshìchǎngzhànzhēngdeqiánzhào

The political conflicts could be a precursor to a war.

17. zhèxiēshēnzhèngzhuàngnéngshìchǎngbìngdeqiánzhào

These physical symptoms could be early signs of an illness.

18. zhèxiēshèhuìānnéngshìchǎngbàoluàndeqiánzhào

The social unrest could be a harbinger of a riot.

19. zhèxiētiānbiànhuànéngshìchǎngránzāihàideqiánzhào

The weather fluctuations could be a prelude to a natural disaster.

20. zhèxiēshùzhàngnéngshìchǎngwǎngluògōngdeqiánzhào

The technical malfunctions could be a sign of a cyber attack.


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