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1. menduìdecáihuáyǒngshēnbiǎochóngbài

We admire his talent and courage deeply.

2. chóngbàizhewèizhùmíngdeshùjiā

She worships the famous artist.

3. menduìzhèwèilǐngxiùdechóngbàiwèishìlún

Their worship of the leader is unparalleled.

4. menduìzhèwèiniánqīngyǎnyuándechóngbàijīngdàolefēngkuángdechéng

Their worship of the young actor has reached a crazy level.

5. chóngbàibìngwèizhemángzhuīsuí

Admiration does not mean blindly following.

6. chóngbàibìngděngliǎojiě

Admiration does not equal understanding.

7. menduìzhèwèishǒudechóngbàijiǎnzhídàolechīdechéng

Their worship of the singer has reached an obsessive level.

8. chóngbàibìngwèizhemángchóngbài

Admiration does not mean blind worship.

9. duìzhèwèizuòjiādechóngbàijīngdàolechīde

Her worship of the writer has reached an obsessive level.

10. menduìzhèwèixuéjiādegòngxiànshēngǎnchóngbài

We deeply admire the contributions of this scientist.

11. duìzhèwèishǐréndechóngbàijīngchāochūlezhèngchángfànwéi

Her worship of this historical figure has exceeded normal levels.

12. menduìzhèwèiyùndòngyuándechóngbàijīngdàolefēngkuángde

Their worship of the athlete has reached a crazy level.

13. chóngbàishìzhǒngduìyōuxiùpǐnzhìrèn

Admiration is a recognition of excellent qualities.

14. chóngbàibìngděngliàn

Admiration does not equal infatuation.

15. menduìzhèwèilǐngxiùdechóngbàishìháobǎoliúde

Their worship of the leader is unconditional.

16. chóngbàibìngwèizheshīxìng

Admiration does not mean losing rationality.

17. chóngbàiyīnggāishìxìngde

Admiration should be rational.

18. duìzhèwèiyīnyuèjiādechóngbàishìlúnde

Her worship of the musician is unparalleled.

19. chóngbàibìngwèizhemángchóngbài

Admiration does not mean blind worship.

20. menduìzhèwèimíngréndechóngbàijīngchāochūlezhèngchángdefànwéi

Their worship of the celebrity has exceeded normal levels.


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