1. 她去找占卜师问问未来会怎样。
She went to a fortune teller to ask about her future.
2. 他信奉占卜,认为星座能影响人的命运。
He believes in fortune telling and thinks that zodiac signs can influence a person's destiny.
3. 我曾经试过占卜,但我不太相信它的准确性。
I have tried fortune telling before, but I don't really believe in its accuracy.
4. 占卜师告诉她未来会有好运。
The fortune teller told her that she would have good luck in the future.
5. 在古代,占卜是一种常见的方式来预测未来。
In ancient times, fortune telling was a common way to predict the future.
6. 她通过占卜得知她将会遇到真爱。
She learned through fortune telling that she would meet her true love.
7. 占卜通常是基于超自然的力量或神秘的符号。
Fortune telling is often based on supernatural forces or mysterious symbols.
8. 她对占卜的结果感到震惊。
She was shocked by the results of the fortune telling.
9. 他们去请占卜师为他们预测婚姻的未来。
They went to a fortune teller to predict the future of their marriage.
10. 占卜并不能确定未来的发展。
Fortune telling cannot determine the future development.
11. 他们去占卜师那里求助,希望能找到一些指引。
They sought help from a fortune teller, hoping to find some guidance.
12. 占卜并不能改变命运。
Fortune telling cannot change fate.
13. 她对占卜的结果感到怀疑。
She was skeptical of the results of the fortune telling.
14. 他们决定通过占卜来决定他们的下一步行动。
They decided to use fortune telling to determine their next course of action.
15. 占卜是一种古老的预测未来的方式。
Fortune telling is an ancient way of predicting the future.
16. 她通过占卜得知她将会获得财富。
She learned through fortune telling that she would gain wealth.
17. 占卜结果让她感到害怕。
The results of the fortune telling made her feel scared.
18. 他们相信占卜能够给他们一些指引。
They believe that fortune telling can give them some guidance.
19. 占卜是一种神秘的艺术。
Fortune telling is a mysterious art.
20. 她对占卜的准确性持怀疑态度。
She is skeptical of the accuracy of fortune telling.
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