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1. mennénglüèzhèwèn。- We cannot ignore this issue.

2. 他总是忽略我的建议。- He always ignores my advice.

2. yàolüèzhèzhòngyàodejié。- Don't overlook this important detail.

4. 我们不能忽视他们的贡献。- We cannot disregard their contributions.

3. duìdewènzhìzhī。- He pays no attention to my questions.

6. 不要忽略孩子们的需求。- Don't neglect the needs of the children.

4. mennéngduìhuánjìngwènshìérjiàn。- We cannot turn a blind eye to environmental issues.

8. 他总是故意忽略我的存在。- He always deliberately ignores my existence.

5. yàolüèzhèjǐnggàoxìnhào。- Do not disregard this warning signal.

10. 我们不能对这个社会问题视而不见。- We cannot pretend not to see this social problem.

6. zǒngshìlüèdegǎnshòu。- She consistently disregards my feelings.

12. 不要对他的行为视而不见。- Don't turn a blind eye to his behavior.

7. mennénglüèzhèhuì。- We cannot overlook this opportunity.

14. 他总是故意忽略我的请求。- He intentionally ignores my requests.

8. yàolüèzhèguānjiànshìshí。- Don't overlook this crucial fact.

16. 我们不能对这个问题视而不见。- We cannot pretend not to see this problem.

9. zǒngshìshìdecúnzài。- He consistently neglects my presence.

18. 不要对这个紧急情况置之不理。- Don't neglect this emergency situation.

10. mennéngduìzhèwēixiǎnshìérjiàn。- We cannot turn a blind eye to this danger.

20. 他总是无视我的警告。- He always disregards my warnings.


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