1. 这座城墙非常坚固,无法轻易被攻破。
The city wall is very strong and cannot be easily breached.
2. 这个箱子看起来很坚固,可以用来装重物。
This box looks very sturdy and can be used to hold heavy items.
3. 这条铁链非常坚固,可以承受很大的重量。
This iron chain is very strong and can withstand a lot of weight.
4. 这栋建筑物经过了加固,现在更加坚固耐用了。
The building has been reinforced and is now even more sturdy and durable.
5. 这个保险柜是坚固的,可以保护贵重物品不受损害。
This safe is solid and can protect valuable items from harm.
6. 这种材料非常坚固,适合用来建造桥梁和大型建筑物。
This material is very strong and suitable for building bridges and large structures.
7. 这艘船的船体非常坚固,可以在恶劣天气下安全航行。
The hull of this ship is very sturdy and can safely navigate in rough weather.
8. 这个锁看起来非常坚固,很难被撬开。
This lock looks very strong and is difficult to pick.
9. 这种橡胶材料非常坚固,可以用来制作耐磨的轮胎。
This rubber material is very sturdy and can be used to make durable tires.
10. 这个军事基地被坚固的围墙所包围,保护着国家的安全。
The military base is surrounded by sturdy walls, protecting the security of the country.
11. 这个钢铁结构非常坚固,可以支撑起整个建筑物。
This steel structure is very strong and can support the entire building.
12. 这座桥梁经过了精心设计,非常坚固耐用。
This bridge has been carefully designed and is very sturdy and durable.
13. 这个装甲车的外壳非常坚固,可以抵御枪炮的攻击。
The armor of this vehicle is very strong and can withstand gunfire.
14. 这个橱柜采用了坚固的木材制作,可以用来存放大量的物品。
This cabinet is made of sturdy wood and can be used to store a large number of items.
15. 这个建筑经过了加固,现在更加坚固耐用了。
This building has been reinforced and is now even more sturdy and durable.
16. 这个围栏是由坚固的铁丝网构成,可以阻止人们进入。
This fence is made of sturdy wire mesh and can prevent people from entering.
17. 这个防弹背心非常坚固,可以保护身体不受伤害。
This bulletproof vest is very strong and can protect the body from harm.
18. 这个机器的外壳采用了坚固的钢铁材料,可以抵御外部冲击。
The outer shell of this machine is made of sturdy steel material and can withstand external impact.
19. 这个木制家具非常坚固,可以使用很长时间。
This wooden furniture is very sturdy and can be used for a long time.
20. 这个山洞的岩石非常坚固,不容易被破坏。
The rocks in this cave are very sturdy and not easily damaged.
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