1. 小水滴落在树叶上,发出清脆的声音。
The small water drops fell on the leaves, making a crisp sound.
2. 这个小水壶可以装一杯水。
This small water kettle can hold a cup of water.
3. 小水沟把雨水引到了田地里。
The small water ditch directed the rainwater into the field.
4. 在炎热的夏天,小水池成了孩子们的游泳天堂。
In the hot summer, the small water pool became a paradise for children to swim in.
5. 小水珠在阳光下闪闪发光。
The small water droplets glistened in the sunlight.
6. 小水泡在我的脚底下弹起来了。
The small water bubble popped under my feet.
7. 这个小水塘里有很多鱼。
There are many fish in this small water pond.
8. 小水渠旁边有一排柳树。
There is a row of willow trees beside the small water canal.
9. 小水汽在花园里飘荡着。
The small water vapor wafted through the garden.
10. 小水渍在地板上干了。
The small water stains dried on the floor.
11. 小水滴顺着叶子滑落下来。
The small water droplets slid down the leaves.
12. 小水车载着水果和蔬菜穿过村庄。
The small water cart carried fruits and vegetables through the village.
13. 小水流在山谷里潺潺流淌。
The small water flow trickled through the valley.
14. 小水潭里有很多莲花。
There are many lotus flowers in the small water pool.
15. 小水龙头坏了,需要修理。
The small water tap is broken and needs to be repaired.
16. 这个小水瓶可以随身携带。
This small water bottle can be carried around.
17. 小水车轻松地穿过泥泞的小路。
The small water cart easily passed through the muddy path.
18. 小水滴洒在了我的衣服上。
The small water droplets splashed on my clothes.
19. 小水库的水位在下降。
The water level of the small water reservoir is decreasing.
20. 小水壶里的水已经烧开了。
The water in the small water kettle has boiled.
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