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1. 这首曲子的音律非常悦耳动听。

2. The melody of this song is very pleasant to the ear.

2. 他对音律有着深入的研究。

3. He has a profound understanding of musical harmony.

3. 孩子们正在学习如何辨别不同的音律。

4. The children are learning to distinguish between different musical tones.

4. 他的演奏技巧高超,能够准确地表达出音律的情感。

5. His playing skills are excellent, accurately conveying the emotions of the music.

5. 这首歌的音律充满了活力和活力。

6. The melody of this song is full of vitality and energy.

6. 在音乐理论课上,学生们学习了音律的基本原理。

7. In music theory class, students learn the fundamental principles of musical harmony.

7. 他用吉他演奏出了这首歌的音律。

8. He played the melody of this song on the guitar.

8. 这部电影配乐的音律非常感人。

9. The musical score of this movie is very touching.

9. 这首交响乐的音律引人入胜,令人沉浸其中。

10. The symphony's melody is captivating, drawing the listener in.

10. 他尝试着用不同的音律创作新的音乐作品。

11. He's experimenting with different melodies to create new musical compositions.

11. 在民族音乐中,我们常常能听到独特的音律。

12. In folk music, we often hear unique melodies.

12. 这首歌的音律令人难忘。

13. The melody of this song is unforgettable.

13. 音律和节奏是音乐的两个重要组成部分。

14. Melody and rhythm are two important components of music.

14. 这首曲子的音律简单但动听。

15. The melody of this song is simple yet beautiful.

15. 她的歌声配上钢琴的音律,令人心旷神怡。

16. Her singing accompanied by the piano melody is truly delightful.

16. 他花了很多时间琢磨这段音律,使它完美无缺。

17. He spent a lot of time refining this melody, making it perfect.

17. 这个乐队的音律总是让人感到愉悦。

18. The band's melodies always bring joy to people.

18. 这首曲子的音律充满了悲伤和怀旧之情。

19. The melody of this song is full of sadness and nostalgia.

19. 音律的美妙在于其独特的和谐。

20. The beauty of melody lies in its unique harmony.

20. 他的音乐作品被赞誉为音律的杰作。

21. His musical compositions are praised as masterpieces of melody.


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