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1. rénshìjiātíngxìngdeguānjiàn。 (Harmony among people is the key to family happiness.)

2. 在团队中保持人和非常重要。 (Maintaining harmony among team members is crucial.)

2. zhǐyǒuréncáinéngchuàngzàoměihǎodeshèhuì。 (Only harmony among people can create a better society.)

4. 这个村庄以人和而著称。 (This village is known for its harmony among people.)

3. menyīnggāibǎochírén。 (We should strive to maintain harmony among people.)

6. 他们之间的人和使得合作变得更加顺利。 (The harmony among them makes cooperation smoother.)

4. xuéxiàozhùzhòngréndejiànshè。 (The school focuses on building harmony among students.)

8. 拥有人和的团队更容易取得成功。 (Teams with harmony are more likely to succeed.)

5. shèderénguān使shǐdeshēnghuógèngjiākuài。 (The harmony within the community makes life more enjoyable.)

10. 人和是长久友谊的基石。 (Harmony among people is the cornerstone of lasting friendships.)

6. zhèzhīrénwénhuàérwénmíng。 (This organization is known for its culture of harmony.)

12. 婚姻中的人和是维系关系的重要因素。 (Harmony in marriage is an important factor in maintaining relationships.)

7. gōngzhìyuángōngzhījiānderénguān。 (The company is committed to fostering harmony among employees.)

14. 邻居之间的人和有助于建立和谐社区。 (Harmony among neighbors contributes to building a peaceful community.)

8. rénshìjiějuéchōngdeguānjiàn。 (Harmony among people is the key to resolving conflicts.)

16. 政府应该促进人和发展。 (Governments should promote the development of harmony among people.)

9. rénzēngqiángtuánduìdeníng。 (Harmony can enhance the cohesion of a team.)

18. 社会上的人和有助于促进经济繁荣。 (Social harmony contributes to promoting economic prosperity.)

10. jiātíngzhōngderényǒuzhùháizijiànkāngchéngzhǎng。 (Harmony in the family contributes to the healthy growth of children.)

20. 他们之间的人和关系让整个社区更加和谐。 (The harmony among them makes the entire community more harmonious.)


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