首页 汉字



1. menzàipiānyuǎnchuánjiàowàngnénggòugǎibiàndāngréndexìnyǎng

They are preaching in remote areas, hoping to change the beliefs of the local people.

2. zhèwèichuánjiàoshìzàifēizhōudecūnzhuāngchuányīn

The missionary is spreading the gospel in the villages of Africa.

3. menyòngyīnyuèshùzuòwéichuánjiàodegōng

They use music and art as tools for evangelism.

4. zhèzhīzhìchuánjiàojìnxíngshàngōngzuò

This organization is dedicated to evangelism and charity work.

5. chuánjiàoshìmenzhèngzàichuánjiàodejiào

Missionaries are working hard to spread the teachings of Christianity.

6. menměiniándōuhuìdàoshìjièchuánjiào

They go on missionary trips around the world every year.

7. zhèwèichuánjiàoshìjīngzàizhèchuánjiàoleshínián

The missionary has been preaching in this area for ten years.

8. menzàizhèguójiājiànleduōjiàotángláichuánjiào

They have built many churches in this country for evangelism.

9. chuánjiàoshìmenjīngchángmiànlínzhewénhuàyánshàngdetiǎozhàn

Missionaries often face cultural and language challenges.

10. mendebiāoshìtōngguòchuánjiàoláigǎibiànrénmendeshēnghuó

Their goal is to change people's lives through evangelism.

11. chuánjiàogōngzuòyàonàixīn

Evangelism work requires patience and perseverance.

12. zhèzhīzhìzàiquánqiúfànwéinèizhuànjiào

This organization is dedicated to evangelism on a global scale.

13. men使shǐyòngchuándānxuānchuánpǐnláichuánjiào

They use flyers and promotional materials for evangelism.

14. zhèjiàohuìyǒuzhuānméndetuánduìchuánjiàogōngzuò

This church has a dedicated team for evangelism work.

15. chuánjiàoshìmenchángchángzàipínkùnchuánjiào

Missionaries often preach in impoverished areas.

16. mendechuánjiàogōngzuòdàoledāngzhèngdezhīchí

Their evangelism work has received support from the local government.

17. zhèzhīde使shǐmìngshìchuánjiàojìnxíngshèhuìgōngzuò

The mission of this organization is evangelism and social work.

18. chuánjiàoshìmenyàozūnzhòngdāngréndewénhuà

Missionaries must respect the local culture and customs.

19. mentōngguòliáoyuánzhùláichuányīn

They spread the gospel through medical assistance.

20. chuánjiàoshìmenyàoxuédāngdeyán便biàngènghǎochuánjiào

Missionaries need to learn the local language in order to evangelize more effectively.


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