1. 他的嗓音听起来有些沙哑。
His voice sounds a little hoarse.
2. 她的嗓音沙哑,好像她感冒了。
Her voice is hoarse, like she has a cold.
3. 他的嗓音因为大声喊叫而变得沙哑了。
His voice became hoarse from shouting loudly.
4. 她的声音听起来有些沙哑,可能是因为她一整天都在说话。
Her voice sounds a bit hoarse, maybe because she's been talking all day.
5. 他的声音沙哑,好像他已经哭了很久。
His voice is hoarse, like he has been crying for a long time.
6. 她的声音沙哑地低语着,好像她在向别人讲述一个秘密。
Her voice hoarsely whispered, as if she was telling someone a secret.
7. 他的嗓音因为喉咙疼而变得沙哑了。
His voice became hoarse from a sore throat.
8. 她的声音沙哑得几乎听不清楚。
Her voice is so hoarse that it's barely audible.
9. 他的声音因为长时间的喊叫而变得沙哑了。
His voice became hoarse from shouting for a long time.
10. 她的声音沙哑得像是在嘶吼。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's screaming.
11. 他的嗓音沙哑得像是快要失声了。
His voice is hoarse as if he's about to lose it.
12. 她的声音沙哑得像是在低语。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's whispering.
13. 他的声音沙哑得像是在唱歌。
His voice is hoarse as if he's singing.
14. 她的嗓音沙哑得像是在大笑。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's laughing.
15. 他的声音沙哑得像是在呻吟。
His voice is hoarse as if he's moaning.
16. 她的声音沙哑得像是在呼救。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's calling for help.
17. 他的声音沙哑得像是在哭泣。
His voice is hoarse as if he's weeping.
18. 她的声音沙哑得像是在嘶嘶地说话。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's hissing.
19. 他的声音沙哑得像是在咆哮。
His voice is hoarse as if he's roaring.
20. 她的声音沙哑得像是在低吟。
Her voice is hoarse as if she's murmuring.
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