1. 他是一位出色的铁匠,能够制作出精美的铁艺品。
He is an excellent blacksmith who can create exquisite iron artworks.
2. 这家铁匠铺有着悠久的历史,已经传承了好几代。
This blacksmith shop has a long history and has been passed down for several generations.
3. 铁匠在火炉旁辛勤工作,锻造着坚固耐用的工具。
The blacksmith works hard by the furnace, forging durable tools.
4. 他学徒时期曾在一家老铁匠铺学习,积累了丰富的经验。
He apprenticed at an old blacksmith shop and gained a wealth of experience.
5. 铁匠用锤子敲打着炽热的铁块,将其打造成各种形状。
The blacksmith hammers the hot iron block to shape it into various forms.
6. 这位铁匠技艺精湛,能够根据客户的要求定制各种铁制品。
This blacksmith has superb skills and can customize various iron products according to the customer's requirements.
7. 铁匠们在铁匠铺里互相交流经验,共同进步。
The blacksmiths exchange experiences and make progress together in the blacksmith shop.
8. 铁匠用锻打的技术将铁块变成了一件美丽的雕塑作品。
The blacksmith used forging techniques to turn the iron block into a beautiful sculpture.
9. 这座小镇上有一家古老的铁匠铺,至今仍然在传承着古老的打铁工艺。
There is an ancient blacksmith shop in this town, still carrying on the ancient ironworking craftsmanship.
10. 铁匠的手艺非常精湛,他能够把铁块打造成各种精美的工艺品。
The blacksmith's craftsmanship is superb, and he can turn iron blocks into various exquisite handicrafts.
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12. The blacksmith's shop is a place where traditional craftsmanship is still alive.
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14. The blacksmith's hammer rang out as he forged the iron into a useful tool.
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16. The blacksmith carefully crafted each piece of ironwork with precision and skill.
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18. The blacksmith's hands were strong and capable as he worked the iron into shape.
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20. The blacksmith's dedication to his craft was evident in the quality of his work.
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