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1. zhèshǒuzhēnshìràoliángsānràngrénniànniànwàng

This song really lingers in my mind, I can't forget it for three days.

2. deshēngqīngyíngyuèěrlìngrénchīzuìràoliángsàn

Her voice is light and pleasant, it makes people intoxicated, lingering in the mind.

3. zhèduànxuánzhēnshìràoliángsānràngrénhuíwèiqióng

This melody really lingers in my mind, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

4. zhèshìràngréngǎnkǎiliángjiǔràoliángsàn

This story leaves people feeling emotional for a long time, lingering in the mind.

5. dexiàoshēngyínlíngbānqīngcuìràoliángsān

Her laughter is as clear as a silver bell, lingering in the mind for three days.

6. zhèshǒudexuánzhēnshìràoliángsānràngrénnánwàng怀huái

The melody of this song really lingers in my mind, making it hard to forget.

7. zhèshìxiětàidòngrénleràoliángsàn

This story is so touching, lingering in the mind.

8. deqínshēngyōuyángdòngtīngràoliángsān

Her piano music is melodious and moving, lingering in the mind for three days.

9. zhèdiànyǐngdeqíngjiéràngrénniànniànwàngràoliángsān

The plot of this movie is unforgettable, lingering in the mind for three days.

10. zhèxuánzhēnshìràoliángsānzhídōuzàihēngchàng

This melody really lingers in my mind, I've been humming it all the time.

11. HHis speech was so movingi it lingered in my mind for days.


12. TThe melody of the song is so beautifulh it lingers in my mind for a long time.


13. TThe story is so touchingh it lingers in my mind for days.


14. HHer voice is so sweete it lingers in my mind for a long time.


15. TThe melody of the music is so catchyh it lingers in my mind for days.


16. TThe performance was so impressiveh it lingers in my mind for a long time.


17. TThe beauty of the scenery lingers in my mind for days.


18. HHis words were so inspiringi they lingered in my mind for a long time.


19. TThe taste of the food lingers in my mind for days.


20. TThe atmosphere of the party lingers in my mind for a long time.



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