1. 他躬身鞠躬,向客人表示敬意。
He bowed to the guests to show respect.
2. 她躬身低头,走进了教室。
She bowed her head and entered the classroom.
3. 他躬身行礼,向长者问好。
He bowed and greeted the elder.
4. 在古代,人们常常躬身行礼以示尊敬。
In ancient times, people often bowed to show respect.
5. 她躬身捡起掉在地上的书。
She stooped down to pick up the book that had fallen on the ground.
6. 他躬身跪拜在神龛前。
He bowed down and worshipped in front of the shrine.
7. 他躬身弯腰,帮助老人捡起了掉在地上的手绢。
He stooped down and helped the old man pick up the handkerchief that had fallen on the ground.
8. 学生们躬身行礼,迎接校长的到来。
The students bowed to welcome the arrival of the principal.
9. 她躬身行礼,表示感激之情。
She bowed to show her gratitude.
10. 他躬身行礼,向神灵祈祷。
He bowed in prayer to the gods.
11. 他躬身行礼,向前辈表示尊敬。
He bowed to show respect to his elders.
12. 她躬身行礼,向观众致谢。
She bowed to the audience in thanks.
13. 他躬身行礼,向导师表示感激。
He bowed to his mentor in gratitude.
14. 他躬身行礼,向对手致意。
He bowed to his opponent in acknowledgment.
15. 她躬身行礼,向家人问好。
She bowed to her family in greeting.
16. 他躬身行礼,向祖先祈祷。
He bowed in prayer to his ancestors.
17. 他躬身行礼,向国旗致敬。
He bowed to the national flag in salute.
18. 她躬身行礼,向老师表示感谢。
She bowed to the teacher in appreciation.
19. 他躬身行礼,向领导表示尊敬。
He bowed to the leader in respect.
20. 孩子们躬身行礼,向老师问好。
The children bowed to the teacher in greeting.
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