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1. zàishāshàngledǔn

I took a nap on the couch.

2. zàibàngōngshìdǔnbèilǎobǎnxiànle

He fell asleep at his desk and got caught by the boss.

3. biānkàndiànshìbiāndǔn

She dozed off while watching TV.

4. zàigōngyuándezhǎngshàngledǔn

He took a nap on the park bench.

5. háizimenzàichēshàngdǔn

The children are napping in the car.

6. zhǐleduǎndǔngǎnjuéjīngshénhǎoduōle

I just took a short nap and feel much better.

7. chángchángzàifànhòudǔn

She often takes a nap after lunch.

8. yàodǔncáinénghuījīng

I need to take a nap to recharge.

9. zàishātānshàngdǔnxiǎngshòuzheyángguānghǎifēng

He napped on the beach, enjoying the sun and sea breeze.

10. zàihuǒchēshàngdǔn便biànzàidàoshíjīngchōngpèi

She took a nap on the train so she would be refreshed upon arrival.

11. zàixiūshíjiānledǔngǎnjuéhǎoduōle

I took a nap during my lunch break and feel much better.

12. zàishūguǎndǔnbèishūguǎnyuángǎnlechūlái

He fell asleep in the library and got kicked out by the librarian.

13. zàigōngyuándecǎopíngshàngdǔnxiǎngshòuzheyángguāngwēifēng

He napped on the grass in the park, enjoying the sunshine and breeze.

14. zàishāshàngdǔnyīnwèitàilèile

She took a nap on the couch because she was too tired.

15. zàifànhòuledǔnwèixiàdehuìzuòhǎolezhǔnbèi

He took a nap after lunch to prepare for the afternoon meeting.

16. zàifēishàngledǔnmiǎnshíchàyǐngxiǎngdezhuàngtài

She napped on the plane to avoid jet lag.

17. zàixiūshíjiānledǔnxiànzàigǎnjuéjīngshénhuàn

I took a nap during my lunch break and now I feel refreshed.

18. zàichēzhàndezhǎngshàngdǔnděngdàixiàbānhuǒchēdedàolái

He napped on the bench at the station, waiting for the next train to arrive.

19. zàijiādetǎngshàngdǔnzhǔnbèiyíngjiērén

She took a nap on the recliner at home, preparing to welcome guests.

20. zàifànhòudǔn便biànzàixiàgèngyǒujīngshén

He took a nap after lunch so he would be more alert in the afternoon.


上一个 chī,qíng(痴情) 句子列表 下一个 ér,sūn(儿孙)



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