1. 我们在境内进行了一次精彩的旅行。
We had a wonderful trip within the country.
2. 这家公司的生产基地全部设在境内。
The production base of this company is all located within the country.
3. 境内的自然风景非常优美。
The natural scenery within the country is very beautiful.
4. 这个城市是境内最繁华的商业中心之一。
This city is one of the busiest commercial centers within the country.
5. 政府正在加大对境内贫困地区的扶贫力度。
The government is increasing efforts to alleviate poverty in the country.
6. 境内的文化遗产吸引了许多游客。
The cultural heritage within the country attracts many tourists.
7. 我们计划在境内建立一家新工厂。
We plan to establish a new factory within the country.
8. 境内的人口数量正在不断增长。
The population within the country is constantly growing.
9. 这个国家的境内交通网络非常发达。
The transportation network within this country is very developed.
10. 境内的经济状况正在逐渐改善。
The economic situation within the country is gradually improving.
11. 他们在境内进行了一次重要的商务考察。
They conducted an important business investigation within the country.
12. 境内的医疗资源分布不均衡。
The distribution of medical resources within the country is uneven.
13. 境内的教育体系需要进一步改革。
The education system within the country needs further reform.
14. 他们在境内投资了一家新公司。
They invested in a new company within the country.
15. 境内的环境保护工作取得了一定成效。
Environmental protection efforts within the country have achieved certain results.
16. 这个地区境内的自然资源非常丰富。
The natural resources within this region are very abundant.
17. 境内的社会安全状况得到了有效改善。
The social security situation within the country has been effectively improved.
18. 境内的科技创新能力不断提升。
The technological innovation capability within the country is constantly improving.
19. 境内的法律体系需要进一步完善。
The legal system within the country needs further improvement.
20. 他们计划在境内开展一项大型基础设施项目。
They plan to carry out a large-scale infrastructure project within the country.
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