1. 这个菜真好吃。
This dish is really delicious.
2. 你做的饭真好吃。
The meal you made is really tasty.
3. 这家餐馆的菜好吃极了。
The food at this restaurant is extremely delicious.
4. 我喜欢吃你做的饭,太好吃了。
I love eating the food you make, it's so delicious.
5. 这个蛋糕看起来好吃。
This cake looks delicious.
6. 这家饼店的点心好吃又便宜。
The pastries at this bakery are delicious and affordable.
7. 他们家的炸鸡真的好吃。
Their fried chicken is really delicious.
8. 这碗面条好吃极了。
These noodles are extremely delicious.
9. 这个巧克力蛋糕好吃极了。
This chocolate cake is extremely delicious.
10. 这个甜点真好吃。
This dessert is really tasty.
11. 你做的饭菜真好吃。
The food you made is really delicious.
12. 这家餐厅的牛排好吃又便宜。
The steak at this restaurant is delicious and affordable.
13. 这个冰淇淋看起来好吃。
This ice cream looks delicious.
14. 我真的很喜欢这家饭店的菜,好吃极了。
I really love the food at this restaurant, it's extremely delicious.
15. 这个巧克力布朗尼好吃极了。
This chocolate brownie is extremely delicious.
16. 你做的饭菜真的很好吃。
The food you made is really very delicious.
17. 这个蛋糕的味道真好吃。
This cake tastes really delicious.
18. 这家餐厅的意大利面好吃又便宜。
The pasta at this restaurant is delicious and affordable.
19. 这个甜点看起来好吃。
This dessert looks delicious.
20. 这个饺子真好吃。
These dumplings are really delicious.
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