1. 老太太每天早晨都会去公园散步。
The old lady goes for a walk in the park every morning.
2. 那位老太太非常友善,总是帮助邻居们。
The old lady is very friendly and always helps her neighbors.
3. 老太太在家里种了很多花,花园看起来非常美丽。
The old lady has planted many flowers in her garden, which looks very beautiful.
4. 请帮助这位老太太过马路。
Please help the old lady cross the street.
5. 老太太在阳台上晒太阳。
The old lady is sunbathing on the balcony.
6. 那位老太太非常健康,每天都会去健身房锻炼。
The old lady is very healthy and goes to the gym for exercise every day.
7. 老太太慢慢地走着,拄着拐杖。
The old lady is walking slowly, leaning on a cane.
8. 老太太在杂货店买了一些食物。
The old lady bought some food at the grocery store.
9. 那位老太太有一个可爱的小狗作伴。
The old lady has a lovely dog as a companion.
10. 老太太正在给花园里的植物浇水。
The old lady is watering the plants in the garden.
11. 老太太在公园里和朋友们聊天。
The old lady is chatting with her friends in the park.
12. 老太太在超市里购物。
The old lady is shopping at the supermarket.
13. 老太太在家里做着针线活。
The old lady is doing some needlework at home.
14. 老太太正在阅读一本书。
The old lady is reading a book.
15. 老太太正在给孙子织毛衣。
The old lady is knitting a sweater for her grandson.
16. 老太太在院子里晾晒衣服。
The old lady is hanging clothes out to dry in the yard.
17. 老太太在厨房里做饭。
The old lady is cooking in the kitchen.
18. 老太太在给自己喂鸽子。
The old lady is feeding pigeons.
19. 老太太在阳台上喝茶。
The old lady is drinking tea on the balcony.
20. 老太太在花园里修剪花草。
The old lady is pruning flowers and plants in the garden.
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