1. 他的身体重得让人担心。
His weight is a cause for concern.
2. 这本书内容很重,需要花时间来理解。
The book is heavy and requires time to comprehend.
3. 他的话很重,让人深思。
His words are weighty and thought-provoking.
4. 这个问题对他来说很重要。
This issue is very important to him.
5. 这个任务很重,需要我们全力以赴。
This task is heavy and requires our full effort.
6. 这个箱子太重了,我帮你搬一下吧。
This box is too heavy, let me help you carry it.
7. 这个决定对我们的未来影响很大,需要慎重考虑。
This decision will have a heavy impact on our future and needs careful consideration.
8. 他的心情很重,似乎有什么烦心事。
He seems heavy-hearted, as if something is troubling him.
9. 这个任务的重要性不言而喻。
The importance of this task goes without saying.
10. 这个问题的重要性不容忽视。
The importance of this issue cannot be ignored.
11. 这个文件夹里装的都是一些重要的文件。
The folder contains some important documents.
12. 她的责任重大,需要承担很多压力。
She has a heavy responsibility and needs to bear a lot of pressure.
13. 这个荣誉对他来说意义重大。
This honor means a lot to him.
14. 这个考试对他来说至关重要。
This exam is of paramount importance to him.
15. 这个问题的复杂性使得解决起来很困难。
The complexity of this problem makes it very difficult to solve.
16. 这个决定对我们的公司发展至关重要。
This decision is crucial to the development of our company.
17. 这个计划的成功与否对我们的未来产生重大影响。
The success or failure of this plan will have a significant impact on our future.
18. 这个项目需要投入大量的时间和精力。
This project requires a heavy investment of time and energy.
19. 这个问题的重要性不容忽视。
The importance of this issue cannot be overlooked.
20. 他的情绪和思想都很沉重。
His emotions and thoughts are very heavy.
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