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1. zhíxíngzàishēnghuódebiānyuán

He always walks on the edge of life.

2. xíngzàijiēshàngkànláihěncōngmáng

She walks on the street, looking very hurried.

3. xíngzàishānshàngbiānxīnshǎngfēngjǐngbiānxīnxiānkōng

He walks on the mountain road, enjoying the scenery and breathing fresh air.

4. huānxíngzàishātānshànggǎnshòuhǎifēngdeqīngliáng

I like to walk on the beach and feel the cool sea breeze.

5. huānxíngzàishùlínxiǎngshòurándeníngjìng

She likes to walk in the woods and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

6. menxíngzàijiēshàngshǒuqiānzhuóshǒukànláihěnxìng

They walk on the main street, hand in hand, looking very happy.

7. menxíngzàixiǎoxiàngxiànleduōyǒudexiǎodiàn

We walked in the alley and found many interesting little shops.

8. menxíngzàibiānxiǎngshòuzhepíngdeshíguāng

They walk by the river, enjoying the peaceful time.

9. xíngzàixiāngjiānxiǎodàoshàngxīnshǎngzhetiányuánfēngguāng

She walks on the country road, enjoying the pastoral scenery.

10. menxíngzàishāndǐngkànzhezhěngchéngshìdejǐng

We walked on the mountaintop, overlooking the view of the entire city.

11. HHe always walks in the shadow of his older brother.

12. She walked in the park, enjoying the sunshine.

12. TThey walked in silenceh lost in their own thoughts.

14. We walked in the rain, feeling the drops on our faces.

13. HHe walked in the footsteps of his fathere following in his career path.

16. She walked in the garden, admiring the flowers and plants.

14. TThey walked in the snowh leaving behind a trail of footprints.

18. We walked in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature.

15. HHe walked in the deserte feeling the heat and the sand beneath his feet.

20. She walked in the city, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling streets.


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