1. 今天刮风了,树枝都被吹得摇摇晃晃。
It's windy today, the branches are swaying in the wind.
2. 刮风的时候最好不要出门。
It's best not to go out when it's windy.
3. 刮风的天气里,风车转得飞快。
The windmills spin quickly in windy weather.
4. 外面刮风了,记得把窗户关好。
It's windy outside, remember to close the windows.
5. 刮风的天气里,风沙会飞扬。
In windy weather, sand will be flying.
6. 刮风的时候,海浪会特别大。
The waves are especially big when it's windy.
7. 刮风的天气里,树叶会被吹得到处都是。
In windy weather, the leaves are blown everywhere.
8. 刮风了,把帽子系紧点。
It's windy, tie your hat tightly.
9. 刮风的天气里,风筝会飞得更高。
In windy weather, kites fly higher.
10. 刮风的时候,室外的桌椅都被吹得乱七八糟。
When it's windy, the outdoor tables and chairs are blown around.
11. 刮风的天气里,风车可以发电。
Windmills can generate electricity in windy weather.
12. 刮风的天气里,风雨交加。
In windy weather, it's raining heavily.
13. 刮风的时候,树枝会发出吱吱的声音。
When it's windy, the branches make a squeaking sound.
14. 刮风的天气里,飞机起降会受到影响。
Windy weather affects the takeoff and landing of airplanes.
15. 刮风的时候,建筑物会发出呼呼的声音。
When it's windy, buildings make a howling sound.
16. 刮风的天气里,悬挂的衣服会被吹得到处都是。
In windy weather, hanging clothes are blown everywhere.
17. 刮风的时候,树叶会在空中翻飞。
When it's windy, the leaves flutter in the air.
18. 刮风的天气里,风铃会发出清脆的声音。
In windy weather, wind chimes make a crisp sound.
19. 刮风了,别忘了系好围巾。
It's windy, don't forget to tie your scarf.
20. 刮风的天气里,风景会显得格外清新。
In windy weather, the scenery looks especially fresh.
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