1. 我们家门口挂着一串红灯笼。
There is a string of red lanterns hanging at the door of our house.
2. 在中国,灯笼是新年的传统装饰品。
In China, lanterns are traditional decorations for the New Year.
3. 花灯节上,人们放飞彩色的灯笼。
People release colorful lanterns during the Lantern Festival.
4. 这个灯笼是手工制作的,十分精美。
This lantern is handcrafted and very exquisite.
5. 我们在夜晚用灯笼照明。
We use lanterns for illumination at night.
6. 这座城市的街道上到处都是五彩缤纷的灯笼。
The streets of this city are filled with colorful lanterns.
7. 她在手工课上做了一个精美的纸灯笼。
She made a beautiful paper lantern in her handicraft class.
8. 他们在树上挂满了灯笼,为晚会增添了节日气氛。
They hung lanterns all over the trees, adding a festive atmosphere to the party.
9. 每当过年,我家门口就会挂上红红的灯笼。
Every New Year, red lanterns are hung at the door of my house.
10. 她在灯笼上画了一只可爱的小猫。
She painted a cute little cat on the lantern.
11. 这些灯笼是用竹子和红纸制作的。
These lanterns are made of bamboo and red paper.
12. 晚上的花园里挂满了各种各样的灯笼。
The garden is filled with all kinds of lanterns at night.
13. 我们在灯笼里点上蜡烛,照亮了整个房间。
We lit candles in the lanterns, illuminating the entire room.
14. 这些灯笼是用丝绸做成的,非常华丽。
These lanterns are made of silk and are very gorgeous.
15. 孩子们手里提着彩色的灯笼,跑来跑去。
The children ran around with colorful lanterns in their hands.
16. 我们在露营时点亮了篝火和灯笼。
We lit a bonfire and lanterns while camping.
17. 这个小镇上到处都是装饰用的灯笼。
The town is filled with decorative lanterns.
18. 每年的中秋节,我们会放飞灯笼。
Every Mid-Autumn Festival, we release lanterns.
19. 这个节日,我们用灯笼装饰了整个街区。
We decorated the entire neighborhood with lanterns for the festival.
20. 她在灯笼上写下了美好的祝福语。
She wrote beautiful blessings on the lantern.
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