1. 这场烟花真是绚烂夺目。
The fireworks were truly dazzling and splendid.
2. 她穿着一袭绚烂的礼服出席晚宴。
She wore a dazzling gown to the evening banquet.
3. 这幅油画色彩绚烂,令人心驰神往。
The oil painting is colorful and dazzling, captivating the imagination.
4. 每当夜晚降临,城市灯光都变得绚烂起来。
When night falls, the city lights become dazzling.
5. 这个度假胜地有绚烂的海滩和清澈的海水。
This holiday destination has dazzling beaches and crystal-clear waters.
6. 她的舞蹈表演非常绚烂,赢得了观众们的掌声。
Her dance performance was very dazzling, winning applause from the audience.
7. 这座城市在圣诞节期间点亮了绚烂的灯光。
The city is illuminated with dazzling lights during Christmas.
8. 这个花园里的花朵绽放出绚烂的色彩。
The flowers in this garden bloom in dazzling colors.
9. 这场音乐会的灯光效果非常绚烂。
The lighting effects at this concert are very dazzling.
10. 阳光照耀下,湖面波光粼粼,绚烂夺目。
Under the sunlight, the lake sparkled with dazzling brilliance.
11. 这幅壁画的色彩绚烂,给整个房间增添了活力。
The mural's colors are dazzling, adding vitality to the entire room.
12. 这座城市的烟火表演非常绚烂,吸引了成千上万的游客。
The city's fireworks display is very dazzling, attracting thousands of tourists.
13. 这个花园里的植物种类繁多,色彩也非常绚烂。
The garden is filled with a variety of plants, all in dazzling colors.
14. 她的绚烂笑容让人感到温暖和快乐。
Her dazzling smile brings warmth and joy to people.
15. 这座宫殿的装饰非常绚烂,展现出了古代建筑的华丽之美。
The decorations in this palace are very dazzling, showcasing the magnificent beauty of ancient architecture.
16. 这个婚礼场地被绚烂的花朵装饰得美轮美奂。
The wedding venue is decorated with dazzling flowers, making it exquisite.
17. 这幅油画的色彩绚烂,展现了艺术家的创造力和想象力。
The colors in this oil painting are dazzling, showcasing the artist's creativity and imagination.
18. 她的服装设计展现出了绚烂的艺术风格。
Her fashion designs showcase a dazzling artistic style.
19. 这个宴会厅装饰得华丽绚烂,给人一种奢华的感觉。
The banquet hall is decorated in a grand and dazzling manner, giving a sense of luxury.
20. 这部电影的特效非常绚烂,让人目不暇接。
The special effects in this movie are very dazzling, leaving people spellbound.
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