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1. gānghǎozhuàngjiànlezài

I just happened to bump into him with her.

2. menzhuàngjiànlezàichāoshìgòu

We ran into him shopping at the supermarket.

3. zhuàngjiànlezàicāntīnglìngnánrényòngcān

I caught her dining with another man at the restaurant.

4. menzuótiānzhuàngjiànlezàigōngyuánsàn

We saw him walking in the park yesterday.

5. zhuàngjiànlezàigōngdelǎobǎnjiāotán

I caught him talking to my boss in the office.

6. menzhuàngjiànledeqiányǒuzài

We bumped into him with his ex-girlfriend.

7. zhuàngjiànlezàishūguǎnyánjiū

I spotted him studying in the library.

8. menzhuàngjiànlezàijiēshànggēnshēngrénjiāotán

We saw him talking to a stranger on the street.

9. gānghǎozhuàngjiànlezàihuǒchēzhànděngchē

I just happened to run into him waiting for the train at the station.

10. menzhuàngjiànlezàijiǔjiǔ

We came across him drinking at the bar.

11. zhuàngjiànlezàishāngdiànshì穿chuān

I caught her trying on clothes in the store.

12. menzhuàngjiànlezàiyóuyǒngchíyóuyǒng

We stumbled upon him swimming in the pool.

13. gānghǎozhuàngjiànlezàiyuàntànwàngbìngrén

I just happened to bump into him visiting a patient at the hospital.

14. menzhuàngjiànlezàijiàotángdǎo

We saw him praying in the church.

15. zhuàngjiànlezàigōngyuánsàn

I caught him walking in the park.

16. menzuótiānzhuàngjiànlezàijiǔchàng

We ran into him singing at the bar yesterday.

17. gānghǎozhuàngjiànledejiārénzàicāntīngchīfàn

I just happened to bump into him and his family dining at the restaurant.

18. menzhuàngjiànlezàidiànyǐngyuànguānkàndiànyǐng

We saw him watching a movie at the cinema.

19. zhuàngjiànlezàixuéxiàodelǎoshījiāotán

I caught her talking to her teacher at school.

20. menzhuàngjiànlezàigōngyuánsàn

We stumbled upon him walking in the park.


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