1. 他们向火神祈祷,希望能够获得丰收和平安。
They prayed to the god of fire, hoping for a bountiful harvest and peace.
2. 在古代文明中,火神被视为至高无上的神灵。
In ancient civilizations, the god of fire was regarded as the supreme deity.
3. 传说中,火神掌管着火焰和熔岩的力量。
According to legend, the god of fire wielded the power of flames and molten lava.
4. 这座神庙是为了供奉火神而建立的。
The temple was built to honor the god of fire.
5. 在这个节日里,人们会点燃篝火来向火神致敬。
On this festival, people light bonfires to pay homage to the god of fire.
6. 火神被认为是能够带来力量和勇气的神明。
The god of fire was believed to bring strength and courage.
7. 他们相信火神能够保护他们免受灾难的侵袭。
They believed that the god of fire could protect them from disasters.
8. 在古代神话中,火神被描绘为一个英俊而强大的神祇。
In ancient mythology, the god of fire was depicted as a handsome and powerful deity.
9. 火神的愤怒会引发毁灭性的火灾。
The wrath of the god of fire could unleash devastating wildfires.
10. 他们向火神献上了祈祷和祭品,希望获得保佑。
They offered prayers and sacrifices to the god of fire, hoping for blessings.
11. T
12. In ancient civilizations, the fire god was revered as a symbol of strength and vitality.
12. Ac
14. The temple was dedicated to the worship of the fire god.
13. On
16. The fire god was believed to have the power to purify and cleanse.
14. T
18. The fire god was feared for his ability to unleash destructive wildfires.
15. O
20. The fire god was often invoked in times of need and desperation.
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