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1. menměiniándōuhuìdiànmenshìdeqīnrén

We hold a memorial service for our departed loved ones every year.

2. menzàidiànshìshàngdiǎnránleniànzhú

They lit memorial candles during the memorial service.

3. diànhuódòngjiāngzàizhōuxiàxíng

The memorial service will be held on Sunday afternoon.

4. menjiāngzàijiàotángxíngdiànshì

We will hold the memorial service at the church.

5. zhèshìdiànshìzhědeshì

This is a ceremony to mourn the deceased.

6. menzhèngzàidiànmendexiān

They are commemorating their ancestors.

7. menjiāngzàixíngdiànshì

We will hold the memorial service at the cemetery.

8. diànhuódòngjiāngbāokuòyīnyuèshībiǎoyǎn

The memorial service will include music and poetry performances.

9. diànshìshìzhòngyàodechuántǒng

The memorial service is an important tradition.

10. menjiāngyǒngyuǎn怀huáiniànbìngdiànmen

We will always remember and mourn them.

11. TThe memorial service is a time for us to honor the memory of our loved ones.

12. The annual memorial service is a way for us to come together and remember those we have lost.

12. WWe gathered at the cemetery to hold a solemn memorial service for our departed friend.

14. The community came together to hold a memorial service for the victims of the tragedy.

13. TThe memorial service was a beautiful and moving tribute to the lives that were lost.

16. The family organized a private memorial service to remember and honor their beloved grandmother.

14. TThe memorial service included readingsh musice and a moment of silence to remember the deceased.

18. The church was filled with people who came to pay their respects at the memorial service.

15. TThe annual memorial service is a time for us to reflect on the impact our loved ones had on our lives.

20. The memorial service provided a space for people to grieve and find comfort in each other's presence.


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