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1. menyàoxiǎngbàntuōshēn。- We need to find a way to escape.

2. 他成功地脱身了。- He managed to break free.

2. menbèikùnzàizhètuōshēn。- We are trapped here and can't get away.

4. 他想要脱身,但被抓住了。- He tried to escape, but he was caught.

3. menjǐnkuàituōshēn。- We have to get away as soon as possible.

6. 她设法脱身并报警。- She managed to escape and called the police.

4. menshìtuōshēndànshībàile。- They attempted to break free- but failed.

8. 我们需要一个计划来脱身。- We need a plan to escape.

5. menxiànlechūchénggōngtuōshēnle。- They found an exit and successfully escaped.

10. 他们终于找到了逃生的方法,成功脱身了。- They finally found a way to escape and got away.

6. menbèibāowéileméiyǒurèntuōshēndehuì。- We are surrounded with no chance of escape.

12. 他们被追赶,但幸运地脱身了。- They were chased, but luckily managed to escape.

7. menyàoyònghùnluàndeshítuōshēn。- We need to take advantage of the chaos to escape.

14. 他们被追捕,但最终脱身了。- They were pursued, but eventually got away.

8. menjǐnkuàixúnzhǎotuōshēndefāng。- We have to quickly find a way to escape.

16. 他们被关在一个密室里,没有脱身的希望。- They were locked in a room with no hope of escape.

9. menyàozhǎodàochūkǒucáinéngtuōshēn。- We need to find an exit in order to escape.

18. 他们设法脱身并藏了起来。- They managed to escape and went into hiding.

10. menbǎochílěngjìng便biànnénggòutuōshēn。- We need to stay calm in order to be able to escape.

20. 他们被关在一个困难的局面中,很难脱身。- They were trapped in a difficult situation and it was hard to escape.


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