1. 这座博物馆里展示着许多古老的石像。
There are many ancient stone statues on display in this museum.
2. 这座城市的街道上到处都是石像,让人感到仿佛置身于古代。
The streets of this city are filled with stone statues, making it feel like a journey back in time.
3. 我们在庭院里放了一尊石像,增添了一些古典的氛围。
We placed a stone statue in the courtyard to add a touch of classical ambiance.
4. 在庙宇里,我们看到了许多精美的石像,每一尊都有着独特的故事。
In the temple, we saw many exquisite stone statues, each with its own unique story.
5. 这座城市的广场上矗立着一尊高大的石像,吸引了许多游客的目光。
A tall stone statue stands in the city square, attracting the attention of many tourists.
6. 这座神庙里供奉着一尊古老的石像,代表着当地的信仰和传统。
The temple houses an ancient stone statue that represents the local beliefs and traditions.
7. 这尊石像是由当地的艺术家雕刻而成的,展现了他们的精湛技艺。
The stone statue was carved by local artists, showcasing their exquisite craftsmanship.
8. 在沙漠中发现了一座古老的石像,成为考古学家们的重要发现。
An ancient stone statue was discovered in the desert, becoming a significant find for archaeologists.
9. 这座古老的城堡里摆放着许多石像,为游客们展示了当时的生活场景。
The ancient castle is adorned with many stone statues, showcasing the life scenes of that time for visitors.
10. 他们在庭院里竖起了一尊巨大的石像,以纪念战争中的英雄们。
They erected a massive stone statue in the courtyard to honor the heroes of the war.
11. 在这片古老的森林中,隐藏着许多神秘的石像,让人感到神奇和神秘。
In this ancient forest, many mysterious stone statues are hidden, giving off an air of magic and mystery.
12. 这尊石像的雕刻工艺非常精湛,展现了艺术家的高超技艺。
The stone statue is carved with exquisite craftsmanship, showcasing the artist's exceptional skill.
13. 一些古代文明留下了许多神秘的石像,让人们对他们的生活和信仰产生了浓厚的兴趣。
Some ancient civilizations left behind many mysterious stone statues, sparking a strong interest in their lives and beliefs.
14. 这尊石像是当地传说中的神灵的形象,被当地居民们供奉和崇拜。
The stone statue is the image of a deity from local legends, worshipped and revered by the local residents.
15. 在这片古老的遗址上,发现了许多石像,为当地历史和文化的研究提供了重要的线索。
Many stone statues were discovered in this ancient site, providing important clues for the study of local history and culture.
16. 这尊石像的历史可以追溯到几千年前,它见证了许多历史事件和变迁。
The history of this stone statue can be traced back thousands of years, witnessing many historical events and changes.
17. 这座古老的庙宇里供奉着一尊罕见的石像,吸引了许多信徒前来朝拜。
A rare stone statue is enshrined in this ancient temple, attracting many believers to come and worship.
18. 这些石像代表着古代文明的艺术和智慧,为后人留下了宝贵的遗产。
These stone statues represent the art and wisdom of ancient civilizations, leaving behind a valuable heritage for future generations.
19. 他们在庭院里摆放了一些石像,为整个环境增添了一些古朴的气息。
They placed some stone statues in the courtyard, adding a touch of antiquity to the entire environment.
20. 这尊石像的主题是和平与团结,象征着人们对美好未来的向往和祈愿。
The theme of this stone statue is peace and unity, symbolizing people's longing and prayers for a better future.
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