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1. 1The scientists used a special device to detect the presence of bacteria in the water..xuéjiāmenshǐyòngle使zhǒngshūshèbèiláijiǎnshuǐzhōngjūndecúnzài

Scientists are using satellites to detect climate change on Earth.

2. 2The radar system is designed to detect any incoming missiles..léitǒngshèyòngtànrènláidǎodàn

This device can detect tiny seismic waves.

3. 3The sensor is able to detect changes in temperature and humidity..zhèchuángǎnnénggòujiǎnwēnshīdebiànhuà

We need a new technology to detect this rare disease.

4. 4The telescope is used to detect distant galaxies in the universe..zhèwàngyuǎnjìngyòngtànzhòuzhōngyáoyuǎndexīng

A new planet has been detected in outer space.

5. 5The device is able to detect the level of radiation in the environment..zhèshèbèinénggòujiǎnhuánjìngzhōngdeshèshuǐpíng

This radar can detect the position of airplanes.

6. 6.科学家们正在努力寻找一种方法来探测黑洞。

Scientists are working hard to find a way to detect black holes.

7. 7.这种仪器可以探测到水中的微生物。

This instrument can detect microorganisms in water.

8. 8.他们正在使用声纳来探测海底的地形。

They are using sonar to detect the topography of the seabed.

9. 9.这种仪器可以探测到人体组织中的病变。

This instrument can detect abnormalities in human tissues.

10. 10.我们需要一种新的方法来探测地下水资源。

We need a new method to detect underground water resources.

11. The scientists used a special device to detect the presence of bacteria in the water.科学家们使用了一种特殊设备来检测水中细菌的存在。

12. The satellite was able to detect the movement of the tectonic plates.卫星能够探测到板块的运动。

12. The radar system is designed to detect any incoming missiles.雷达系统设计用于探测任何来袭导弹。

14. The new technology can detect genetic mutations in cancer cells.这种新技术可以检测癌细胞中的基因突变。

13. The sensor is able to detect changes in temperature and humidity.这个传感器能够检测温度和湿度的变化。

16. The detector was able to detect the presence of toxic gases in the air.探测器能够检测空气中有毒气体的存在。

14. The telescope is used to detect distant galaxies in the universe.这个望远镜用于探测宇宙中遥远的星系。

18. The new technology can detect the presence of drugs in a person's system.这种新技术可以检测一个人体内药物的存在。

15. The device is able to detect the level of radiation in the environment.这个设备能够检测环境中的辐射水平。

20. The new software is designed to detect any unauthorized access to the system.这个新软件旨在检测任何对系统的未经授权访问。


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