1. 我们一起开车去长途旅行。
We are going on a long-distance road trip together.
2. 长途旅行需要提前做好准备。
A long-distance journey requires careful preparation.
3. 我们家乡和城市之间有很长的距离,需要乘坐长途汽车才能到达。
There is a long distance between our hometown and the city, and we need to take a long-distance bus to get there.
4. 他每个月都要坐长途火车去见女朋友。
He takes a long-distance train to visit his girlfriend every month.
5. 长途跋涉后,我们终于到达了目的地。
After a long journey, we finally arrived at our destination.
6. 长途跋涉让我感到十分疲惫。
The long journey left me feeling exhausted.
7. 我们需要在长途驾驶中经常休息。
We need to take regular breaks during long-distance driving.
8. 长途旅行中,我们经过了很多美丽的风景。
During the long journey, we passed by many beautiful landscapes.
9. 长途旅行让我们更加了解彼此。
The long-distance journey helped us to understand each other better.
10. 她在长途跋涉中遇到了一些困难,但最终还是成功了。
She encountered some difficulties during the long journey, but she eventually succeeded.
11. 我们需要做好长途旅行的准备工作。
We need to prepare for the long-distance journey.
12. 长途旅行中,我们结识了很多新朋友。
We made many new friends during the long journey.
13. 长途旅行中,我们遇到了一些挑战,但我们成功地克服了它们。
We faced some challenges during the long journey, but we successfully overcame them.
14. 长途旅行中,我们享受了很多美好的时刻。
We had many wonderful moments during the long journey.
15. 长途跋涉使我们的关系更加紧密。
The long journey brought us closer together.
16. 在长途驾驶中要保持警惕。
Stay alert during long-distance driving.
17. 长途旅行中,我们学会了如何相互支持。
During the long journey, we learned how to support each other.
18. 长途旅行中,我们发现了很多新的事物。
During the long journey, we discovered many new things.
19. 长途旅行中,我们经历了许多挑战和困难。
We faced many challenges and difficulties during the long journey.
20. 长途旅行是锻炼身心的好机会。
Long-distance travel is a great opportunity to challenge oneself physically and mentally.
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