1. 土匪们在山里潜伏,时不时就会抢劫过路的行人。
The bandits lurk in the mountains and occasionally rob passersby.
2. 这片地区经常受到土匪的袭扰,居民们生活在恐惧之中。
The area is often raided by bandits, and the residents live in fear.
3. 警方正在追捕那些横行乡间的土匪。
The police are chasing after the bandits who are rampaging in the countryside.
4. 这个小镇曾经是土匪的聚集地,后来被政府清剿。
The town used to be a gathering place for bandits, but was later cleared by the government.
5. 土匪们抢走了村民们辛辛苦苦存下的钱财。
The bandits stole the hard-earned money saved by the villagers.
6. 那个地区的土匪势力日益强大,当地政府需要加强治安措施。
The bandit forces in that area are growing stronger, and the local government needs to strengthen security measures.
7. 这些土匪不仅抢劫,还经常对村民进行恐吓和暴力行为。
These bandits not only rob, but also frequently intimidate and commit violence against villagers.
8. 勇敢的农民们组成了自卫团,与土匪展开了激烈的斗争。
Brave farmers formed a self-defense group and engaged in fierce battles with the bandits.
9. 土匪们藏身在深山老林里,很难被警方找到。
The bandits hide in the deep mountains and forests, making it difficult for the police to find them.
10. 土匪们利用夜色进行袭击,让人防不胜防。
The bandits use the cover of night to launch attacks, making it difficult to defend against.
11. 警方已经成功逮捕了一批涉嫌参与土匪活动的人员。
The police have successfully arrested a group of people suspected of being involved in bandit activities.
12. 这个地区的土匪势力已经被剿灭,居民们终于可以安心生活了。
The bandit forces in this area have been wiped out, and the residents can finally live in peace.
13. 土匪们在山洞里藏匿了大量赃物。
The bandits hid a large amount of stolen goods in the cave.
14. 那些土匪们一直在逃避警方的追捕。
The bandits have been evading the police pursuit.
15. 这些土匪是为了生存而不得已行为的。
These bandits are forced to act out of survival.
16. 土匪们的犯罪行为给当地居民带来了巨大的伤害。
The bandits' criminal activities have caused great harm to the local residents.
17. 警方正在全力追捕那些横行乡间的土匪团伙。
The police are making every effort to chase down the bandit gangs rampaging in the countryside.
18. 那个地区的土匪活动频繁,政府需要采取更有力的措施来打击。
Bandit activities are frequent in that area, and the government needs to take stronger measures to combat them.
19. 这些土匪无恶不作,已经成为当地居民的噩梦。
These bandits stop at nothing and have become a nightmare for the local residents.
20. 土匪们的勇敢和顽强精神在当地传为佳话。
The bravery and tenacity of the bandits have become legendary in the area.
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