1. 他们在鹊桥上相遇,情意绵绵。
They met on the Magpie Bridge, their love deepening.
2. 每年七夕,人们都会聚集在鹊桥下,许下美好的愿望。
Every Qixi Festival, people gather under the Magpie Bridge to make beautiful wishes.
3. 传说中的牛郎织女就是靠着鹊桥相会的。
The legendary Cowherd and Weaver Girl met on the Magpie Bridge.
4. 鹊桥上的情侣们手牵手,留下美好的回忆。
Couples on the Magpie Bridge hold hands, leaving behind beautiful memories.
5. 鹊桥是七夕节的象征,代表着爱情和美好的祝福。
The Magpie Bridge is a symbol of Qixi Festival, representing love and good wishes.
6. 她站在鹊桥上,向远方眺望。
She stood on the Magpie Bridge, gazing into the distance.
7. 他们在鹊桥上留下了一段美好的回忆。
They left behind a beautiful memory on the Magpie Bridge.
8. 鹊桥上的情侣们相互依偎,享受着浪漫的时刻。
Couples on the Magpie Bridge cuddle up to each other, enjoying romantic moments.
9. 他们约定在鹊桥相会,直到永远。
They promised to meet on the Magpie Bridge, forever.
10. 鹊桥上鲜花盛开,风景如画。
Flowers bloom on the Magpie Bridge, creating a picturesque scenery.
11. 他们在鹊桥上共度了一个浪漫的夜晚。
They spent a romantic night together on the Magpie Bridge.
12. 鹊桥上的灯光璀璨,照亮了夜空。
The lights on the Magpie Bridge are dazzling, illuminating the night sky.
13. 鹊桥上的情侣们相互倾诉心声。
Couples on the Magpie Bridge confide in each other.
14. 他们在鹊桥上写下了永恒的誓言。
They wrote down eternal vows on the Magpie Bridge.
15. 鹊桥上的音乐轻轻响起,营造出浪漫的氛围。
The music on the Magpie Bridge gently plays, creating a romantic atmosphere.
16. 鹊桥上的彩虹映衬着美丽的爱情故事。
The rainbow on the Magpie Bridge sets off a beautiful love story.
17. 他们在鹊桥上看着星空,许下美好的未来。
They looked at the stars on the Magpie Bridge, making beautiful wishes for the future.
18. 鹊桥上的情侣们互相交换着礼物。
Couples on the Magpie Bridge exchange gifts with each other.
19. 鹊桥上的风景如诗如画。
The scenery on the Magpie Bridge is as picturesque as a poem.
20. 他们在鹊桥上相遇,一见钟情。
They met on the Magpie Bridge and fell in love at first sight.
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