1. 农民们正在努力对抗蝗虫的侵袭。
Farmers are working hard to combat the invasion of locusts.
2. 蝗虫成群结队地袭击了农田。
Swarms of locusts attacked the farmland.
3. 今年的蝗虫肆虐导致农作物大量损失。
The locust infestation this year has resulted in significant crop losses.
4. 专家们正在寻找有效的方法来控制蝗虫的数量。
Experts are searching for effective methods to control the population of locusts.
5. 蝗虫是农民们的头号敌人。
Locusts are the number one enemy of farmers.
6. 蝗虫的数量在短时间内迅速增加。
The number of locusts has increased rapidly in a short period of time.
7. 蝗虫的食量惊人,可以短时间内吃光一片农田。
Locusts have an astonishing appetite and can devour a field in a short amount of time.
8. 农民们正在尝试各种方法来驱赶蝗虫。
Farmers are trying various methods to drive away the locusts.
9. 蝗虫的繁殖速度非常快。
Locusts reproduce at a very fast rate.
10. 蝗虫成群结队地飞向农田。
Swarms of locusts flew towards the farmland.
11. 蝗虫侵袭导致了严重的粮食短缺。
The locust invasion has led to severe food shortages.
12. 农民们正在使用农药来控制蝗虫的数量。
Farmers are using pesticides to control the population of locusts.
13. 蝗虫的飞行能力非常强,可以迅速传播到其他地区。
Locusts have strong flying abilities and can quickly spread to other areas.
14. 蝗虫的出现给农作物带来了巨大的威胁。
The appearance of locusts poses a huge threat to crops.
15. 专家们正在研究蝗虫的行为模式,以便更好地对付它们。
Experts are studying the behavior patterns of locusts in order to better combat them.
16. 蝗虫在一夜之间吞噬了农民们的希望。
Locusts devoured the hopes of farmers overnight.
17. 蝗虫的数量达到了历史上的最高水平。
The number of locusts has reached the highest level in history.
18. 农民们正在呼吁政府采取措施应对蝗虫的威胁。
Farmers are calling on the government to take action against the threat of locusts.
19. 蝗虫的侵袭给农村地区带来了灾难性的后果。
The invasion of locusts has brought disastrous consequences to rural areas.
20. 蝗虫是一种具有破坏性的害虫。
Locusts are a destructive pest.
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