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1. měitiānzǎoshàngdōuhuìzhǎoānjìngdefāngjìngxīnmíngxiǎnghuìer

I find a quiet place every morning to meditate and calm my mind.

2. huānzàihuāyuánsànxiǎngshòurándeníngjìngràngjìngxīnfàngsōng

She enjoys walking in the garden, enjoying the tranquility of nature to calm her mind and relax.

3. zàigōngzuòdeshíhòuhuìzhǎojiǎoluòjìngxīnfēnzhōngchóngxīntiáozhěngxīntài

When he is under a lot of work pressure, he will find a corner to calm his mind for a few minutes and readjust his mindset.

4. zàizhèxuānxiāodechéngshìzhōnghěnnánzhǎodàonéngràngrénānjìngxiàláijìngxīndefāng

In this bustling city, it's hard to find a place that allows people to calm down and meditate.

5. měitiānwǎnshàngdōuhuìjìnxíngjiāliànbāngzhùjìngxīnfàngsōng

She practices yoga every night to help calm her mind and relax.

6. zàizhèkuàijiézòudeshèhuìzhōngmenyàoxuéhuìjìngxīnbǎochínèixīndepíngjìng

In this fast-paced society, we need to learn how to calm our minds and maintain inner peace.

7. jìngxīnmíngxiǎngbāngzhùmenbǎituōjiāo

Meditation can help us to get rid of anxiety and stress.

8. menyàozàimángdegōngzuòzhōngzhǎodàoxiēshíjiānláijìngxīnfàngsōng

We need to find some time to calm down and relax in our busy work.

9. měitiānwǎnshàngdōuhuìhuāxiēshíjiānjìngxīnmíngxiǎngjiǎnqīngshēnghuóde

He spends some time meditating every night to relieve the stress of life.

10. zàizhècáodeshìjièzhōngmenyàozhǎodàoxiēfāngláijìngxīn

In this noisy world, we need to find some ways to calm our minds.

11. huānzàishānshàngsànxiǎngshòushānjiāndeníngjìngràngjìngxīnmíngxiǎng

She likes to walk in the mountains, enjoying the tranquility of the mountains to calm her mind and meditate.

12. jìngxīnmíngxiǎngshìhuǎnjiějiāodeyǒuxiàofāng

Meditation is an effective way to relieve stress and anxiety.

13. zàifánmángdeshēnghuózhōngmenyàozhǎodàoshíjiānláijìngxīnmíngxiǎngfàngsōngshēnxīn

In our busy lives, we need to find time to calm our minds and relax our bodies.

14. měitiāndōuhuìzàijiādexiǎohuāyuánjìngxīnmíngxiǎnghuìerràngfàngsōng

She meditates in the small garden at home every day to relax.

15. jìngxīnmíngxiǎngbāngzhùmengènghǎozhuānzhùdāngxià

Meditation can help us to better focus on the present moment.

16. zàiránzhōngmànràngrénxīnqíngyuèbāngzhùjìngxīnmíngxiǎng

Walking in nature can uplift the mood and help in calming the mind through meditation.

17. jìngxīnshìzhǒngxiūliànnèixīndefāngshì

Calmness is a way of cultivating the inner self.

18. měitiānzǎoshàngdōuhuìjìnxíngjiāliànbāngzhùjìngxīnmíngxiǎng

She practices yoga every morning to help calm her mind and meditate.

19. zàizhèkuàijiézòudeshèhuìzhōngmenyàoxuéhuìjìngxīnmíngxiǎng

In this fast-paced society, we need to learn how to calm our minds and meditate.

20. jìngxīnmíngxiǎngbāngzhùmenzhǎodàonèixīndepíngjìngānníng

Meditation can help us find inner peace and tranquility.


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