1. 春天是万物复苏的季节。
Spring is the season of rebirth for all things.
2. 夏天是游泳和野餐的好季节。
Summer is a great season for swimming and picnics.
3. 秋天是收获的季节。
Autumn is the season of harvest.
4. 冬天是结冰和滑雪的季节。
Winter is the season of ice and skiing.
5. 在不同的季节里,风景各有千秋。
Each season has its own unique beauty.
6. 在夏季,白天更长,夜晚更短。
In summer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter.
7. 春季的气温逐渐回暖。
The temperature gradually warms up in spring.
8. 秋天的天空常常晴朗明净。
The sky is often clear and bright in autumn.
9. 冬季寒冷刺骨。
Winter is bitterly cold.
10. 季节变化的规律是不可改变的。
The regularity of the seasons is unchangeable.
11. 我喜欢四季分明的气候。
I like the climate with distinct seasons.
12. 在南方,季节变化不太显著。
In the south, the change of seasons is not very distinct.
13. 在北极地区,冬季漫长而寒冷。
In the Arctic region, winter is long and cold.
14. 季节的变化对农业生产有着重要的影响。
The change of seasons has a significant impact on agricultural production.
15. 季节的交替带来了不同的风俗和习惯。
The change of seasons brings different customs and habits.
16. 季节的变化影响了人们的生活方式。
The change of seasons affects people's way of life.
17. 随着季节的变化,人们的衣着也在改变。
With the change of seasons, people's clothing also changes.
18. 季节不同,食物的种类也不同。
Different seasons bring different types of food.
19. 季节的变化让大自然展现出不同的风貌。
The change of seasons shows nature in different guises.
20. 季节的交替让人们感受到时间的流逝。
The change of seasons makes people feel the passage of time.
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