1. 门咯吱一声,打开了。
The door creaked open with a "咯吱" sound.
2. 椅子咯吱作响,好像要散架了。
The chair creaked as if it was about to collapse.
3. 地板咯吱咯吱地响,好像有老鼠在爬。
The floor creaked as if there were mice crawling.
4. 窗户咯吱地打开了。
The window opened with a creak.
5. 门轴咯吱作响,需要润滑一下。
The door hinge creaked and needs to be lubricated.
6. 轮椅咯吱地滑过地板。
The wheelchair creaked as it slid across the floor.
7. 鞋子咯吱地响着,好像要散架了。
The shoes creaked as if they were about to fall apart.
8. 梯子咯吱作响,让人感到有些不安。
The ladder creaked, making people feel uneasy.
9. 铁门咯吱一声,打开了。
The iron gate creaked open with a sound.
10. 车轮咯吱地转动着。
The wheels creaked as they turned.
11. 纸张咯吱咯吱地翻动着。
The paper creaked as it was being flipped.
12. 绳子咯吱地摩擦着木头。
The rope creaked as it rubbed against the wood.
13. 箱子咯吱地被打开了。
The box creaked open with a sound.
14. 桌子咯吱作响,好像要倒下来一样。
The table creaked as if it was about to collapse.
15. 车门咯吱一声,打开了。
The car door creaked open with a sound.
16. 风箱咯吱地响着。
The bellows creaked as it operated.
17. 窗帘咯吱地被拉开了。
The curtain creaked as it was being pulled open.
18. 船桨咯吱地摩擦着船体。
The oars creaked as they rubbed against the boat.
19. 钥匙咯吱地转动着锁孔。
The key creaked as it turned in the lock.
20. 椅子咯吱地移动着。
The chair creaked as it moved.
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