1. 飞机在空中做了一个漂亮的回旋。
The plane made a beautiful spiral in the sky.
2. 水流在漩涡中回旋。
The water swirled in a vortex.
3. 他们在舞池中回旋跳跃。
They twirled and leaped on the dance floor.
4. 滑板运动员做了一个完美的回旋动作。
The skateboarder executed a perfect spin.
5. 叶子在风中回旋飘落。
The leaves twirled and fell in the wind.
6. 旋转木马让孩子们尽情地回旋。
The merry-go-round allowed the children to spin freely.
7. 舞者们在舞台上回旋起舞。
The dancers spun and twirled on the stage.
8. 风车在风中回旋。
The windmill spun in the wind.
9. 这个故事有着令人眼花缭乱的回旋情节。
The story has a dizzying plot twist.
10. 他们经历了一系列的回旋挫折。
They went through a series of ups and downs.
11. 他们在迷宫中不断回旋,找不到出口。
They kept spiraling through the maze, unable to find the way out.
12. 这个设计以回旋为灵感。
The design was inspired by spirals.
13. 蜗牛在地上缓慢地回旋前行。
The snail slowly spiraled along the ground.
14. 她的思绪在脑海中回旋。
Her thoughts spiraled in her mind.
15. 这个舞蹈要求舞者们做出精准的回旋动作。
The dance required the dancers to execute precise spins.
16. 这个游乐园有一些让人眩晕的回旋过山车。
The amusement park has some dizzying roller coasters.
17. 他们在空中做了一系列的回旋翻滚。
They performed a series of aerial somersaults.
18. 漫画中的角色被画成了一个小小的回旋风。
The character in the cartoon was depicted as a tiny whirlwind.
19. 螺旋形的云在天空中回旋。
Spiral-shaped clouds spiraled in the sky.
20. 他们在海浪中回旋嬉戏。
They played and spun in the waves.
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