1. 这座古老的建筑经久不衰。
This ancient building has stood the test of time.
2. 这种材料经久耐用,不易损坏。
This material is durable and long-lasting, not easily damaged.
3. 这家公司以其经久的成功而闻名。
This company is known for its long-standing success.
4. 这个传统已经经久不衰。
This tradition has endured for a long time.
5. 这种友谊经久不衰。
This friendship has lasted a long time.
6. 这座桥梁经久不衰,为人们提供了便利。
This bridge has stood the test of time, providing convenience for people.
7. 这本小说的魅力经久不衰。
The charm of this novel has endured.
8. 这家老店经久不衰,一直受到顾客的喜爱。
This old shop has stood the test of time and has always been loved by customers.
9. 这个古老的传统已经经久不衰。
This ancient tradition has endured for a long time.
10. 这个家族企业经久不衰,一直保持着繁荣。
This family business has stood the test of time and has always prospered.
11. 这种品牌经久不衰,深受消费者喜爱。
This brand has endured and is deeply loved by consumers.
12. 这个习俗经久不衰,代代相传。
This custom has endured for generations.
13. 这座雕塑经久不衰,成为城市的地标。
This sculpture has stood the test of time and has become a landmark of the city.
14. 这种理念经久不衰,一直影响着人们的生活。
This idea has endured and has always influenced people's lives.
15. 这个行业经久不衰,一直保持着稳定的发展。
This industry has endured and has always maintained stable development.
16. 这个传统经久不衰,一直被人们传承。
This tradition has endured and has always been passed down.
17. 这个习惯经久不衰,一直存在于我们的生活中。
This habit has endured and has always existed in our lives.
18. 这个乐队经久不衰,一直受到观众的欢迎。
This band has endured and has always been popular with the audience.
19. 这个植物种类经久不衰,一直适应着不同的气候条件。
This plant species has endured and has always adapted to different climate conditions.
20. 这个传说经久不衰,一直在人们的口口相传。
This legend has endured and has always been passed down from mouth to mouth.
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