1. 沙漠中的绿洲是旅行者们的避风港。
The oasis in the desert is a shelter for travelers.
2. 绿洲上的棕榈树在阳光下闪闪发光。
The palm trees in the oasis glisten in the sunlight.
3. 这个小村庄就像沙漠中的一片绿洲。
The small village is like an oasis in the desert.
4. 绿洲周围是一望无际的沙漠。
The oasis is surrounded by endless desert.
5. 在炎热的夏天,人们都喜欢去绿洲游泳。
In the hot summer, people love to go swimming in the oasis.
6. 绿洲上的花朵吸引了许多蝴蝶。
The flowers in the oasis attract many butterflies.
7. 绿洲上的温泉是一种天然的疗养资源。
The hot springs in the oasis are a natural healing resource.
8. 绿洲上的果树给村民们提供了丰富的水果。
The fruit trees in the oasis provide the villagers with abundant fruits.
9. 他们在绿洲上搭建了帐篷,准备在这里过夜。
They set up tents in the oasis, preparing to stay overnight.
10. 绿洲上的鸟儿在清晨开始欢快地歌唱。
The birds in the oasis start singing cheerfully in the early morning.
11. 他们沿着河流一直走到了绿洲。
They walked along the river until they reached the oasis.
12. 绿洲上的驼队停下来喝水休息。
The camel caravan in the oasis stopped to drink and rest.
13. 绿洲上的农民们在灌溉河流中耕种庄稼。
The farmers in the oasis cultivate crops in the irrigated river.
14. 绿洲上的夜晚星空格外美丽。
The night sky in the oasis is exceptionally beautiful.
15. 他们在绿洲上搭起了篝火,围坐在一起聊天。
They built a bonfire in the oasis and sat around chatting.
16. 绿洲上的水源是这片土地上唯一的宝贵资源。
The water source in the oasis is the only precious resource in this land.
17. 他们在绿洲上发现了一座古老的遗迹。
They discovered an ancient relic in the oasis.
18. 绿洲上的风景如画,吸引了许多摄影爱好者。
The picturesque scenery in the oasis attracts many photography enthusiasts.
19. 绿洲上的村民们过着简朴而幸福的生活。
The villagers in the oasis live a simple and happy life.
20. 我们在绿洲上度过了一个宁静而愉快的下午。
We spent a peaceful and pleasant afternoon in the oasis.
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