1. 我家的挂历上有很多美丽的风景图片。
There are many beautiful scenic pictures on the calendar in my house.
2. 每年我都会买一份新的挂历来装饰我的办公室。
Every year I buy a new calendar to decorate my office.
3. 挂历上的每一页都有不同的花卉图案。
Each page of the calendar has different floral patterns.
4. 我喜欢挂历上的每一张插图。
I like every illustration on the calendar.
5. 这个挂历上有很多有趣的小知识和历史事件。
This calendar has a lot of interesting trivia and historical events.
6. 我的挂历上标注了所有的节假日和重要的日期。
My calendar marks all the holidays and important dates.
7. 每天翻开挂历都会发现一些新的惊喜。
Every day I flip through the calendar, I discover new surprises.
8. 我把挂历挂在了厨房的墙上,方便查看日期。
I hung the calendar on the kitchen wall for easy viewing of dates.
9. 我的挂历是一个日历和备忘录的组合。
My calendar is a combination of a calendar and a memo.
10. 每天早上我都会查看挂历上的日程安排。
Every morning I check the schedule on the calendar.
11. 这张挂历是我最喜欢的一张,因为它有许多美丽的风景图片。
This calendar is my favorite because it has many beautiful scenic pictures.
12. 我的挂历上有很多纪念日和重要的日子。
My calendar has many anniversaries and important days marked on it.
13. 我的挂历上有一个小小的便条本,可以记录每天的事情。
My calendar has a small notepad where I can record things every day.
14. 我的挂历上有一些有趣的名言警句。
My calendar has some interesting quotes and sayings.
15. 我把挂历放在书桌上,方便随时查看日期。
I put the calendar on the desk for easy viewing of dates.
16. 我的挂历上有每月的重要事项提醒。
My calendar has reminders for important events each month.
17. 我喜欢挂历上的装饰图案,让我的办公室更加有活力。
I like the decorative patterns on the calendar, which make my office more vibrant.
18. 我的挂历上有一些有趣的历史事件的介绍。
My calendar has some interesting introductions to historical events.
19. 我的挂历上有一些美味的食谱。
My calendar has some delicious recipes.
20. 我的挂历上有一些有趣的小故事。
My calendar has some interesting short stories.
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