1. 这个巷道里的灯光很暗,我不敢一个人走。
The lighting in this alley is very dim, I dare not walk alone.
2. 我们沿着狭窄的巷道走,最后找到了那家小餐馆。
We walked along the narrow alley and finally found the small restaurant.
3. 这条巷道里总是有垃圾堆积,让人感到很不舒服。
There is always garbage piled up in this alley, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.
4. 我们走进了这条巷道,发现它通向一个古老的废弃建筑。
We walked into this alley and found that it led to an ancient abandoned building.
5. 这个城市里有很多幽静的巷道,很适合散步。
There are many quiet alleys in this city, which are perfect for strolling.
6. 她从巷道里走了出来,面容苍白,看起来很疲惫。
She walked out of the alley, pale and tired-looking.
7. 这条巷道里的涂鸦艺术非常有创意,吸引了许多游客。
The graffiti art in this alley is very creative and attracts many tourists.
8. 他们躲进了巷道里,躲避起了暴风雨。
They took shelter in the alley to escape the storm.
9. 这个城市的老城区有很多迷人的巷道,让人感受到浓厚的历史氛围。
The old town of this city has many charming alleys, which give people a strong sense of historical atmosphere.
10. 他迷路了,不知道怎么从这条巷道出去。
He got lost and didn't know how to get out of this alley.
11. 这条巷道里有一家很有名的咖啡馆,你想去尝尝吗?
There is a famous café in this alley, would you like to go and try it?
12. 我们在这条巷道里迷了路,找了好久才找到出口。
We got lost in this alley and it took us a long time to find the way out.
13. 她在巷道里听到了奇怪的声音,感到有些害怕。
She heard strange noises in the alley and felt a little scared.
14. 这条巷道里总是有一些流浪汉在闲逛。
There are always some vagrants wandering in this alley.
15. 这条巷道非常狭窄,只能容纳一辆车通过。
This alley is very narrow, only one car can pass through.
16. 我喜欢在这条巷道里散步,感觉非常宁静。
I like to take a walk in this alley, it feels very peaceful.
17. 这个城市的巷道里总是有一些神秘的故事传说。
There are always some mysterious legends in the alleys of this city.
18. 她在巷道里迷了路,不知道怎么回家。
She got lost in the alley and didn't know how to get home.
19. 这条巷道里的建筑风格非常有特色,吸引了很多摄影师。
The architectural style in this alley is very distinctive, attracting many photographers.
20. 他们在巷道里偶遇,然后开始了一段浪漫的恋情。
They met in the alley and then started a romantic relationship.
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