1. 这个产品有一个明显的缺陷,需要立即更换。
This product has an obvious defect and needs to be replaced immediately.
2. 这辆汽车有一些严重的缺陷,需要进行大修。
This car has some serious defects and needs major repairs.
3. 我们需要找出这个系统中的所有缺陷并加以修复。
We need to identify and fix all the defects in this system.
4. 这个建筑物的结构存在一些严重的缺陷,需要进行紧急维修。
There are some serious defects in the structure of this building that require urgent repairs.
5. 这个软件有一些功能上的缺陷,需要尽快修复。
This software has some functional defects that need to be fixed as soon as possible.
6. 我们发现了产品设计中的一些缺陷,需要重新制定计划。
We have identified some design defects in the product that require a redesign of the plan.
7. 这个新产品还存在一些潜在的缺陷,需要进行更多的测试。
There are still some potential defects in this new product that require more testing.
8. 他的缺陷在面试中暴露无遗,导致他没有得到这份工作。
His flaws were exposed during the interview, leading to him not getting the job.
9. 这个计划的缺陷在执行过程中逐渐显露出来。
The flaws in this plan gradually became apparent during its execution.
10. 她的缺陷并没有影响她的成功,反而让她更加真实和可爱。
Her imperfections didn't hinder her success but instead made her more genuine and lovable.
11. 他的缺陷使得他在团队中难以融入。
His flaws make it difficult for him to fit in with the team.
12. 我们应该接受自己的缺陷,而不是试图掩饰它们。
We should accept our imperfections instead of trying to hide them.
13. 这个方案存在一些严重的缺陷,需要重新考虑。
There are some serious flaws in this plan that need to be reconsidered.
14. 这个产品的缺陷导致了一系列的投诉和退货。
The defects in this product have resulted in a series of complaints and returns.
15. 她对自己的缺陷感到羞愧,不敢面对他人。
She feels ashamed of her imperfections and is afraid to face others.
16. 这个项目的成功取决于我们如何处理其中的缺陷。
The success of this project depends on how we handle the defects within it.
17. 他的缺陷并没有影响他在工作中的表现。
His flaws did not affect his performance at work.
18. 我们需要找出这个系统中的所有缺陷并加以修复。
We need to identify and fix all the defects in this system.
19. 这个产品的质量存在一些严重的缺陷,需要进行全面检查。
There are some serious defects in the quality of this product that require a comprehensive inspection.
20. 这个计划的缺陷在执行过程中逐渐显露出来。
The flaws in this plan gradually became apparent during its execution.
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